Broadcast 4309
Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): www.streamglobe.org/aud4309
Colossians 2:9-10 (NET) "For in him all the fullness of deity lives in bodily form, and you have been filled in him, who is the head over every ruler and authority."
Sola had been bound by demonic influences since his university days. He always knew that Jesus could save him, but he hesitated, believing that following Christ would make his life dull and restrictive. “No more partying, no more fun,” he thought. But when he finally surrendered to Christ, the emptiness in his soul disappeared. He no longer needed alcohol, drugs, or reckless living to feel satisfied—he was now filled with Christ.
One of the greatest deceptions of the devil is convincing people that accepting Jesus means forsaking a full and exciting life for something dull and restrictive. But the truth is, without Christ, even the best pleasures and accomplishments leave a person feeling empty. Only in Christ do we find true completeness and purpose. Man was created in God’s image, and only Christ—the fullness of God in bodily form—can truly fill and satisfy the human soul.
Go into today remembering:
As a believer, emptiness is no longer your portion. You are filled and complete in Christ. His presence brings fullness of joy, peace, and purpose that no worldly pleasure can offer.
Heavenly Father, help me to truly appreciate and live in the reality that I am complete in You. Let my life reflect the fullness I have in Christ. Amen.
— Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Bible In 1 Year: Joshua 11-15 (in today's audio)
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