1 Kings 20:20
And the prophet came to the king of Israel, and said unto him, Go, strengthen thy self, and mark, and see what thou doest: for at the return of the year the king of Syria will come up against thee.
In our text a prophet warns Ahab that the Syrian king will return, therefore he should be ready. As Christians, it is important to understand that as long as we are still in this realm, the battle is still on. As soldiers of the cross, we advance from victory to victory, meaning, from battle to battle. Whenever we overcome the devil in one area, he goes to reinforce for a return battle (see Luke 4:13 (KJV)). The devil never gives up on a Christian until the final battle is won, i.e. till the Christian makes heaven. We too shouldn’t behave as if the war is over. Ben-Hadad will return. We must put on the whole armor of God and be ready for battle at all times not in fear but leading our lives doing all what God has called us to do, rejoicing as we see a new challenge to overcome because we are more than conquerors(Ephesians 6:11). God grants His people victory. The lesson here is; the devil is cunning, we should not be ignorant of his devices. 2 Cor. 2:11. It is important that we understand the will of God in warfare. God’s will is that we be prepared always by walking constantly in His will for us.
When it is said that we are in warfare, it is an essential knowledge for every Christian to come to terms with. Not for us to go about with a tense warfare mentality (that gladdens Satan and weakens our spirit) but for us to know that when things don’t go our way in life, it is because we are in warfare and therefore we must win because winning is in our DNA; that is what God has equipped us for.
The good thing is that we are always fighting from the victory side, hallelujah!!!
Go into today knowing that you are an overcomer because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. The devil does not have the capacity to stop you because you carry God inside you.
Prayer: Thank you heavenly father for saving me. I pray you help me go around with a victory mentality and never again with a defeat mentality. In Jesus name. Amen
By Otuokon, Ubokudom & SD Abraham
THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 19-20 OR LISTEN (click to read or listen)
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1 comment:
Im really blessed. May God increase this work IJN.
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