Heb 3:7-9
That is why the Holy Spirit says,
"Today when you hear his voice,
8 don't harden your hearts
as Israel did when they rebelled,
when they tested me in the wilderness.
The people of Israel were set free from their bondage and set to go into the promise land. Many of them did not make it into the promise land even though God had already saved them by a mighty hand. Many of them fell in the wilderness because of unbelief in the lord God. Even though these ones were set free to enter into God’s rest, they never did because they did not believe. There was unbelief in their hearts and they limited the holy God by their words and actions.
One of the most heinous transgressions any Christian can commit is unbelief. God has called you out of darkness and brought you into His glorious light. There are promises that God has given to we the church, promises of the redemption of our bodies and a kingdom unending in eternal life. God has ratified these promises with the Holy Spirit so even though we do not see all these promises come to pass now, we see a foretaste because of the Holy spirit- this is just like the people of Israel who saw signs and wonders in the wilderness through the hand of Moses.
I don’t know what promises God has assured you about, do not displease him by allowing any ounce of unbelief in your heart. Sin in a Christian’s life is a fruit that has seed in itself; it is a fruit of the seed called unbelief.
God has promised all these great things. If we believe his word we will keep ourselves always under his dominion and in due time we will see each and every one of these promises come to pass.
Prayer: Dear heavenly father. I thank you for giving me the kingdom. I pray you give me grace to walk constantly in your presence. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
By SD Abraham
YEARLY BIBLE READING: JOB 7-8 OR LISTEN (click to read or listen)
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