Wednesday, May 7, 2014




Heb 3:7-9

That is why the Holy Spirit says,

"Today when you hear his voice,

8 don't harden your hearts

as Israel did when they rebelled,

when they tested me in the wilderness.

Gal 5:17

For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.


I had a discussion with my friend last night about this topic. He was of the opinion that every Christian who is born again has been given the Holy Spirit without measure, that it was only as a result of not growing into maturity that Christians do not yet get to walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Although I didn’t fully agree with this, I cannot but point out that one needs to grow spiritually in order to fully actualize his spiritual potential.

There are certain things that hinder our measure of the Holy Spirit. God’s plan for all of us is that just like Jesus; we will have the Holy Spirit without measure and live a superior, supernatural life on this earth.

All the things that hinder the flow of the spirit can be summarized in one word-FLESH.

The spirit and the flesh are like fire and water. One quenches the other (see Gal 5:17). When a Christian walks in the spirit, it’s consequence is that he sets his mind on the things of the spirit (see Rom 8:5); such a one will have the easy flow of the Holy Spirit in his life. This means the life of such a Christians will no more be ordinary but will be extra ordinary. The negative things that happen to others in the world cannot happen to such a one. A thousand may fall by his side and ten thousand by his right side but it shall not come near him, this is because this Christians dwells in the secret place of the most high (see psalm 91:1, 10).

When a Christian on the other hand walks in the flesh, he or she also sets his heart on the things of this world. One of the ways of checking this is examining your principles of life and the most important things to you (are they of this world or of the Spirit). A Christian who walks in the flesh will have a very limited flow of the Holy Spirit in His life. This means his life will just be ordinary and not much different from that of the people in the world. This is much less than God’s plan for every Christian and that is why we are instructed to walk in the spirit.

Go into today knowing that you are to walk in the Spirit because this is the way to maximize your measure of the Holy Ghost and do exploits on the earth.

Prayer: Dear heavenly father, I thank you giving me today as another avenue to show forth your glory and power. I pray you give me grace to set my mind always on you and walk in the Spirit. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

By SD Abraham

YEARLY BIBLE READING: JOB 7-8 OR LISTEN (click to read or listen)

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