Thursday, June 19, 2014


The oxford advanced learner’s dictionary, 8th edition defines discipline as “a method of training your mind or body or of controlling your behavior, an area of activity where this is necessary. Or the ability to control your behavior or the way you live”. Being successful at whatever we do requires some level of discipline. When you consider the lives of the apostles and the patriarchs of old, you will notice that self-discipline was a common trait in all of these lives. God has great plans for us, but for us to fulfill these divine plans for our lives, we must be disciplined. I will discuss eight disciplines we must subject ourselves to if we are to grow into the men and women of great influence that God wants us to be.
1. The discipline of prayer:
You can’t have any influence with God if you are not a man or woman of prayer. God has planned for ordinary Christians like you and me to become mighty in prayer for the blessing and salvation of people and the reaping of Christ’s harvest among the nations today. You don’t have to spend hours each day to qualify for God’s prayer army. Thank God for those who can and do pray like that. But He knows the limitations of your own situation, your schedule, and your home and employment responsibilities. His plan is intended to add a whole new dimension to your prayer life. Whether you are a business executive or housewife, a factory worker or student, a layman or a minister of the gospel; God desires for you to begin a thrillingly new and more effective life of prayer. You can have a new power and effectiveness in prayer. You can play a significant part in Christ’s plan. You can be the praying person God wants you to be; you can, if you will. Will you? (Wesley Duewel, touch the world through prayer, pg 12-13).
Go into today with a determination to consciously take out a few extra moments and spend it with the lord in prayer and the word.
Prayer: father in heaven. I thank you for this day. Father I realize I do not have the ability on my own to pray as I ought to. I ask you give me this grace today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
By Otuokon, Ubokudom
THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 25-28 OR LISTEN (click to read or listen)
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