Tuesday, July 29, 2014




Rom 4:13-15

13 It was not through law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith


There is the righteousness that comes by faith and there is the righteousness that keeping the law attempts to establish. The righteousness that comes from faith says ‘I know that God is real and He watches my every move, I will therefore live my life to please Him because He rewards righteousness and judges wickedness (see Heb 11:6), I will stride righteously by walking constantly with a God consciousness and doing what is right under God at all times. I may not have a list of dos and don’ts but my life has one rule and principle which is pleasing God and obeying Him at all times and on every occasion because He is so real to me and I know He is interested in the best for me, following His way will lead me on the best path for my life’

Law on the other hand is so preoccupied with trying to meet up to the standard of the written rules that it does not even remember to acknowledge and walk before God. It does not see the need to have a personal relationship with God as long it can satisfy His rules. It has a false representation of God as one who is only interested in His rules and not in His people, thus a sick man should not be healed on the Sabbath but a new born baby could be circumcised so as not to break the law. It ultimately fails to attain righteousness before God because it never really has faith in Him for without faith it is impossible to please God (see Heb 11:6).

Go into today determined to walk with God by faith. The foundation of faith in God is trust in Him; that He wants the best for you at all times -and this is absolutely true.

Prayer: thank you father for the righteousness that has been inputted into me by faith in Christ Jesus. I pray you help me walk constantly in this nature and never again in the flesh. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen

By SD Abraham

THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 7-12OR LISTEN - (click to read or listen)



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