Tuesday, October 28, 2014




And we have different gifts according to the grace given to us. If the gift is prophecy, that individual must use it in proportion to his faith.

Rom 12:6

There is something unique about the gift of prophesy and the faith of the one prophesying because prophesies are usually creative utterances that the servants of God have the privilege of making. Faith is required in creating things and your prophesying should be according to your measure of faith lest you act presumptuously or you get discouraged.

You know the measure of faith that you are currently operating in, you are to prophesy accordingly. Do not say things presumptuously because you like the sound of what is coming to your spirit.

Go into today knowing that you are God's masterpiece created unto good works. The words you say concerning your life are creative; do not let destructive words concerning your life ever come out of your mouth or heart.

Prayer: Thank you heavenly father for making me in your image and likeness. I pray dear lord that you help me use the creative power you have put in my mouth as your child, in Jesus name I pray. Amen

By SD Abraham

Download Devotional Audio: http://bit.ly/1nI1UUX

Read The Bible In One Year: Nahum 1-3 Bible Reading Link = http://bit.ly/1FP7Z7P

Audio Bible Link: http://bit.ly/1oMNGmv

Full Devotional: www.streamglobedevotional.com


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