Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
Rom 12:15
Some years ago, I was in a youth conference and the preacher preached quite a lengthy sermon on salvation. During the sermon, most of the thousands of youths in the convention began to weep uncontrollably as their hearts were pricked by the message. I discovered that even my friend who was sitting close to me started weeping also. Even though I wasn't really moved to tears by the sermon I couldn't hold the tears at a given point because everyone around me was weeping.
Even though Jesus was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, he was moved to weep when he saw his friends weeping (see John 11: 30-35).
When you truly love people, you will rejoice when they rejoice and weep when they weep- this is an attribute and a check of true love.
Go into today determined to love everyone you deal with from your heart.
Thank you father for giving me a heart like Christ's. I pray you help me love like Christ did, in Jesus name. Amen
By SD Abraham
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