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2 Pet 1:2
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.
Not too long ago, I started particularly praying that God will increase His grace upon my life. I prayed this prayer because I saw in the bible that we can come to God’s throne to obtain grace to help us in time of need (Heb 4:16). I also realized that God's grace is the divine ability enabling us to do things we normally cannot do by our own power. I realized that Jesus did all He did while on the earth because He was full of grace and truth (see John 1:14), therefore If I must be like Jesus, I must have great grace.
I observed that God began to increase my knowledge. He started sending me powerful instructive materials to build my knowledge base and help me grow spiritually; I started understanding many things of God and began to see considerable spiritual strength. This is how God has been answering that prayer.
From today’s text, we can see that grace is multiplied through the knowledge of God and of the lord Jesus Christ. God's way of increasing your grace is to increase you knowledge of Him. This knowledge is not merely theoretical and intellectual but is also experiential and practical. Grace is received through faith and faith comes by the hearing of God's word (knowledge).
Go into today determined to increase in grace by increasing your knowledge of the lord. This you can do by craving the sincere milk of God's word- get good books and media materials that will teach you more of God’s word.
Prayer: Thank you heavenly father because I am born in a time when I can easily access your word in so many formats. I pray you help me truly crave the sincere milk of your word always, in Jesus name. Amen
By SD Abraham
YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Matthew 11-13
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