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Heb 1:14
Are they (Angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? (KJV)
David began to have a strange experience. At certain times during the nights, he would feel a hand tap him. As he tries to gain consciousness, he would see what looks like the feet of the man who woke him. And when he is fully awake, he sees no one. With time, he noticed that whenever he heeded this 'wake-up call' and prayed, deliverance happens either to him or someone he prayed for. When he told his pastor, his pastor taught him how angels minister to saints and assured him an angel woke him up those times to pray.
As children of God, we are surrounded by angels whether we are aware of them or not. All over the Scriptures, the people of God encountered angels. Three men appeared to Abraham, and two of them were angels who later destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen18:1-3; 19:1,12). Jacob slept and found angels ascending and descending a ladder (Gen 29:10-12).
In the New Testament, an angel visited Mary to inform her she would birth the Lord Jesus (Luk1:26-33). Angels ministered to the Lord Jesus at different times (Mat 4:11; Luk 22:43). And the disciples experienced the ministry of angels many times after the Lord ascended into heaven (Acts 2:10-11; 10:30-32; 12:5-11).
As a child of God, Angels attend to you as demons follow the children of darkness. Anyone who does not have the Lord Jesus is in darkness, for Jesus is the true Light (John 1:9).
Go into today knowing angels surround you and attend to you (see Psa 37:4).
PRAYER: Father, thank You for the provisions You have made to protect me in a dangerous world. Please help me to take advantage of the ministry of angels. Take the glory, LORD. Amen
-Adeolu Olumodeji.
Yearly Bible Plan: Exodus 5-8
Bible Plan Audio = http://po.st/Czy1p7
BBM: 7BF927B3
Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com
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