Tuesday, June 30, 2015



DEVOTIONAL AUDIO: http://bit.ly/1JtWOWl

Eph 5:18-21

…but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.


(Continued from last time: 06-28- 2015|)

Pastor Felix enumerated to Segun some things he could do to stay filled with the spirit. He said Segun was to

1) Always Maintain a joyful countenance; singing songs to God

2) Always Maintain a mood of thankfulness to God at all times.

3) Strictly watch the words he said and avoid uttering words that were not seasoned with grace.

4) He was to watch the company he kept, and

5) He was to maintain a meek character before God and before his brethren.

Pastor Felix went on to explain these points one by one, but we shall not be able to look into them today.

Go into this day knowing that the flame of the Holy Ghost's fire in your heart must always be burning. Ask the Lord to teach you how to do this.


· Pick and song to sing; and then thank the Lord for bringing you to this day.

· Ask the Lord to help you control your tongue today; that the words you say will be edifying to the hearers.

· Thank the Lord because he will make this day a successful one.


By SD Abraham

Not yet born again? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

By SD Abraham

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Ephesians 4-6

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1LRPGk1

Source: www.mystreamglobe.com


Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Monday, June 29, 2015



DEVOTIONAL AUDIO: http://bit.ly/1LxbDXH

Eph 5:5-6

5 For you can be confident of this one thing: that no person who is immoral, impure, or greedy (such a person is an idolater) has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 Let nobody deceive you with empty words, for because of these things God's wrath comes on the sons of disobedience. NET

Cynthia: But Sis Faith, what you are doing is wrong, it is a sin before God. Don't you want to make heaven?

Faith: Sis Cynthia, you don't understand grace. Let me explain to you a dimension of grace. You see, Christ has already paid for all my sins; both past, present and future ones. I cannot be rejected because of my sins.

Cynthia: Hmm, really? Thank God for grace o. But my spirit is still not comfortable.

This conversation between Cynthia and Faith reflects a misguided idea that some have about the grace of God. God's grace is the license we have to God's kingdom, but it is not a license for continuing to sin. He that is born of God does not continue to sin because he has received a new nature that Loves God and hates sin.

Go into today determined to walk in God's new nature that you have received. Remember that the blood of Jesus cleanses you from every sin and presents you Holy before God. Do not let your garments be stained but stay out of all spiritual filthiness.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for your grace. I pray you help me always walk by grace and please you everyday. Amen

Not yet born again? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

By SD Abraham


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1GKmTdx

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com


Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Sunday, June 28, 2015



Devotional Audio: http://bit.ly/1eRfJxs

Eph 5:18

18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

(Continued from Yesterday-CFY) Pastor Felix began to explain to Segun that one of the greatest hindrances to being filled with the Spirit is fleshly indulgences and excesses; "anything that you over-do that is not spiritually edifying can hinder your being filled with the Spirit". He explained that getting drunk with wine was a typical example, other examples included over eating, over sleeping, talking too much, lusts, etc.

Segun told Pastor Felix that he had been watching too many movies recently and the movies were not spiritually edifying.

Pastor Felix also went on to explain to Segun that being filled by the Spirit was something the Holy Spirit always wanted for us, but we are the ones who decide whether or not we will continue to be filled by the Spirit. We decide by the things we avoid and the things we do. That that was why the Bible says ‘be filled with the Spirit’; it is something you can consciously control. He went ahead to teach Segun certain things he should do to stay filled with the Holy Spirit( to be continued).

Go into today determining to cut out fleshly excesses and indulgences from your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you by supplying the grace to do this.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me to be filled with your Spirit at all times. Amen

By SD Abraham

Free Audio Sermons: http://bit.ly/1t0PDMd


Not yet born again? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1djRlTr

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Saturday, June 27, 2015



Audio: http://bit.ly/1KjpD7T

John 15:5

"…for without Me you can do nothing”


After Segun suffered some affliction because of demonic attacks, he sought help from place to place. Pastor Felix had taught him the importance of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Segun was now properly enlightened and could see the need for the Holy Spirit’s baptism. He saw that the presence of the Holy Spirit in His life was the solution to His problems.

One Wednesday evening after communion service, Segun received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Felix had laid hands on Him earlier and he began to speak in tongues uncontrollably for several hours. At that moment, Segun knew he received total deliverance; the word of God became alive in him. He now felt closeness to God that he had never felt in His life. He felt lighter in his spirit.

As some days went bye, Segun discovered that his fire appeared to diminish; he was no longer feeling the presence of God like he felt that Wednesday; he was now beginning to feel ordinary again. He went to Pastor Felix and explained to Him. Pastor Felix immediately understood what Segun was talking about and began to teach Him some truths: “you need to learn how to stay filled with the Spirit at all times, it begins with an acknowledgement that your life is empty without the presence of the Holy Spirit; that without Him, you can do nothing” Pastor Felix opened Ephesians 5 and began to explain from verse 18 how to stay filled with the Spirit (to be continued).

Go into today knowing that God’s presence is the air that your spirit breaths. Without Him, you can do nothing. The more you thirst and seek His presence, the more you receive.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please teach me to stay filled with your presence always, in Jesus name. Amen.

By SD Abraham


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1Jbdpew

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com

WhatsApp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Friday, June 26, 2015



Audio Version link: http://bit.ly/1CxNeK5

John 15:5

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.


Three years after Segun had accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, he still was not baptized in the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, this did not bother him because the only difference he believed it made was that it caused people to speak in tongues; something he didn’t particularly look forward to. But Segun couldn’t be more wrong. He was lacking the fullness of His new life because he was never filled with the Holy Spirit.

Many times, Segun would wonder what people who prayed for up to an hour were saying for so long, he would get bored and even sleep off if he tried to pray for more than ten munities. Segun never enjoyed fellowship with the Lord because he was not yet filled with His spirit. This was the primary reason why Segun experienced so many demonic attacks.

The reason why many Christians do not enjoy the full benefits of their salvation is because they are not dwelling in Christ. The thing about dwelling Christ is that He will also dwell in you, and He dwells in you through His Holy Spirit; He lives in you that you may live in Him. Anyone who is baptized in the Holy Spirit and stays filled with the Holy Spirit will experience this.

Go into today determining to be filled with the Holy Spirit at all times. If you are a Christian and you are not yet baptized in the Holy Spirit, it is time for you to make this your top priority.

Prayer: thank you Lord because you are my baptizer. Heavenly father, I ask for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name I pray. Amen

Not born again? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

By SD Abraham


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1djRlTr

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Thursday, June 25, 2015



Devotional Audio: http://bit.ly/1FCeKWS

Joshua 21:45

Not one word of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass. ESV

Joseph’s dreams of greatness were from God so the fulfillment was entirely up to God. We read from Scriptures how God eventually brought to pass His dreams for Joseph.

Many times, children of God cannot separate their own heart desires from that of God's purposes for them. Salvation begins the alignment between our own desires and that of God for us. We come to accept God's love and purpose for us. If the purpose therefore is of God, the burden of fulfillment is on God not you.

Frustration sets into many believers' lives when they think the purposes of God for their lives depend so much on their own plans and efforts. No doubt every goal requires planning; and God's goal in your life will require God's planning to fulfill. It was part of that plan that you were born in the first place. How much did you contribute to your birth? That's how much God expects from you to bring to pass His purposes in your life. The just shall live by faith.

It is easy to misconstrue the truth set in the previous paragraphs as a call to be lazy. Nothing in the purpose of God glorifies laziness. Take the example of Joseph once again. As God was executing His own plans in Joseph's life; Joseph was busy. He was diligent in the house of Potiphar as well as in the prison. So when God's ultimate dream for him as Prime Minister was fulfilled, Joseph's diligence was a life style.

Go into today, relieved of the burden of fulfilling God's purpose in your life. Work hard in that which your hands find to do as you rest in the assurance of God's fulfillment of His ultimate dream for you.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to trust you and not step out of Your will for me. Make my heart steadfast, set on pilgrimage. Amen.

By Adeolu Olumodeji


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1BBICaA

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Wednesday, June 24, 2015





Hosea 4:6

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge... KJV

Even though Segun was a Christian, he suffered a lot and lost so much time, not because he was a sinner or because the demons that oppressed him were super powerful, he suffered so much loss because he lacked certain spiritual knowledge. He was a “holy" brother and did not live a sinful life, but he lived under constant demonic attacks because his mind was constantly invaded by thoughts inspired by demons. He lived more in fear; a demon and devil consciousness than a Holy Spirit consciousness. He was more conscious of the activities of demons than he was the activities of the Holy Ghost and angels.

Why Segun kept experiencing constant demonic attacks was because he still passively believed that certain demons maintained some kind of power over him because of certain things he had done in the past and because of ancestral demonic linkages. He did not understand that anyone who is in Christ Jesus is a new creation and old things have passed away for such a person( see 2 Cor 5:17). Segun also did not fully understand what it really meant to be in Christ Jesus.

Subsequently, we shall study what it means to be in Christ Jesus, and why many Christians who think they are in Christ Jesus are not walking in the reality.

Go into today desiring to have deeper understanding of God's word so that you may grow into the fullness of God’s will for you. Remember that your fruitfulness in God’s vineyard is tied to your understanding of God’s word (see Mat 13:23).

Prayer: Lord, please give me spiritual wisdom and revelation in my growing knowledge of you. Amen. (Pray reading Eph 1:17)

By SD Abraham

Not born again Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1BLlXJs

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Tuesday, June 23, 2015





Eph 6:11

Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. NET

Segun began to notice he had constant memory loss after reading for exams. He was so worried that he went from place to place seeking deliverance. He could trace this occurrence to "when that old woman touched my head". He did not know that the demons who oppressed him were not causing him memory loss (they didn't have that kind of power over him because he was a child of God), they simply sent constant thoughts to his mind; suggesting that his brain was being downgraded. And he believed those thoughts, to the extent that he now began to have actual memory loss. Segun received his deliverance, but not from the prophets or deliverance ministers (the best they could offer him was two weeks break); he received his deliverance from the word of God; by an understanding of the word of God; that his life was hid in Christ, that he was an overcomer because Christ lived in him.

Go into today knowing that the devil is mostly a schemer. He does not have as much power over Christians as many believe. Notice from today's text that we are to put on the whole armor of God so we may be able to stand against the SCHEMES of the devil, his darts and arrows usually come in form of thoughts and imaginations that are designed to seduce us from God's will; they are words in our minds that tell us lies and empower fears; if we believe these lies, they could become our reality. The spirit realm is so structured that a man receives what he constantly believes.

Prayer Confession: I am walking in the knowledge of God’s will. I am growing each day in God's grace. I am walking in constant victory. Amen

By SD Abraham

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Leviticus 1-3

Audio Sermons: http://bit.ly/1t0PDMd

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1QMPZ6d

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Monday, June 22, 2015



Listen to Audio Version:


Titus 2:11-12

For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world

God’s grace can only be received through faith in Christ Jesus.

Grace is the ability that God gives you to live the life He has called you to live and this grace is not a function of what you do but because of God’s compassionate love for you.

You walk in this ability God has given you by first of all believing that you have it and that you are above the temptations and ungodliness you see around.

Go into today knowing that God has indeed made all grace abound towards you(see 2 Cor 9:8). Just like a blind man can never drive a car, a man who does not see this truth will never truly walk in it and enjoy this benefit.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I thank you for this day and your daily load of benefits, I pray today that I will walk in constant consciousness of your grace and your Holy Spirit that lives within me, In Jesus name, Amen.

By SD Abraham

Audio Sermons: http://bit.ly/1t0PDMd

Not born again Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Ephesians 1-3

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1QLnk1p

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Sunday, June 21, 2015





Gal 3:7

Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. NET

Many Spiritually learned People understand the power of being a child of Abraham. Many people in this world try to establish some kind of relationship or link with Abraham. Why? Because everyone wants the blessing.

The blessing is the divine enablement that makes a man prosper in this cursed earth. The Bible says the blessing of the Lord makes rich and He adds no sorrow (see Prov 10:22). The blessing is what makes a man excel above his enemies, it makes a man the head and not the tail, and it makes a nation rule over other nations. When God made man, he blessed mankind and gave us dominion over other living creatures on the earth. That is why even though many of them are physically stronger than us; we ultimately have control over their destinies on the earth. We can tame them and put them in zoos but they cannot tame us. The blessing makes a physically or apparently mentally weaker man rule over people who are stronger than him.

Anyone who believes in Christ and continues to walk by faith in Him is the spiritual descendant of Abraham. He is the real person that has the most legal right to exert all of God's blessings. He can walk in both the spiritual and physical manifestation of the blessing because he is the one God designed the blessing for; the spiritual blessings in heavenly places; where the moth cannot destroy nor can the thief steal.

Go into today knowing that you have received ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places (see Eph 1:3).

Prayer: Thank you Lord for selecting me to be a partaker of your blessing. I pray you help me walk in a manner that causes the blessing to physically manifest in my life. Amen

By SD Abraham

Not born again Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1ezxSQe

Source: www.mystreamglobe.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Saturday, June 20, 2015



AUDIO VERSION: http://bit.ly/1I4jlHD

Psa 119:36
36 Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. (KJV)

As a young believer, one thing I noticed was that even though I had accepted Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord, I still got tempted from time to time. Those early times, I did not understand why salvation would not erase all the possibility of being tempted to sin. I began to study the Bible for answers and I discovered the struggle between the flesh and the spirit is life- long (Gal 5:17). What redemption offers us is the grace to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit always. So in Christ, I braced myself for the long haul. One of my mentors used to say 'the Christian race is not a hundred meter dash; it is a marathon'.

One day the disciples asked the Lord Jesus to teach them prayer. The Lord gave them a principle of prayer now commonly called 'The Lord's Prayer'. One of the cardinal points of that prayer guide as taught by the Lord is "lead us not into temptation". And that is the thrust of our meditation this morning.

Our High Priest was also tempted while here on earth.  But the Scriptures testify that Jesus did not sin (Heb 4:15; 1 Pet 2:21-22). Therefore temptations are not for believers to fall into but overcome. Temptations come from our own desires (Jam 1:14) so with them, we are able to know how we are growing in the faith.

Our main text today- like the Lord's Prayer, teaches us to identify and pray temptations away from us. Is covetousness your besetting sin? Pray that God should incline your heart away from it. Is it some other sinful tendency? As you go into today, you can deal it a prayer-blow.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me in that area of weakness; where I am most tempted and susceptible. Strengthen me in your grace today and always. Amen.

By Adeolu Olumodeji

Not born again Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Lamentations 1

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1QFOTt1

Source: www.mystreamglobe.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3

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Friday, June 19, 2015



AUDIO VERSION: http://bit.ly/1Gvrq5V

Phil 1:6

For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. NET

"I don't really know if I will last long as a Christian. Many times I am afraid of what I could become; I fear I might fall away someday and miss heaven. This is my greatest fear in life pastor" Sharon said these words to pastor Ron because she knew in her spirit that something was wrong with the feeling. Even though her fears sounded "holy” and I have seen Christians justify such fears by quoting verses as Hebrews 1:4. They are right if they keep their fear in check and make sure they are not propelled and controlled by such fears but by faith. Fear is usually a sign of faithlessness, and anything that is not of faith is sin (see Rom 14:23).

Today’s meditation is for that Christian who has been living under constant fear of missing it or going to hell. I want to remind you of what today's Bible text says; God who has begun a good work in your life is not asleep, He cannot be tricked by the devil, and all power belongs to Him. He wants you to make it more than you want to make it; He loves you more than you can ever know, and He will perfect what He has begun in you until the day Jesus physically appears on this earth.

Go into today having assurance of salvation. This assurance cannot be based on your strength or anything from you. It can only be based on your decision to continue to totally depend on God's grace.

Prayer: Thank you father for saving me. Thank you for choosing me before I was born. I ask that you help me always trust in you as I look forward to reigning with Christ on His day. Thank you Lord. Amen.

Not yet saved? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

By SD Abraham


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1QFOTt1

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3

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Thursday, June 18, 2015



Audio version:


Psa 119:29-30
29 Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me thy law graciously. 30 I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me.

The Lord Jesus Christ had an interesting conversation with Pilate just before He was crucified; He told Pilate 'Everyone that is of truth hears my voice'. Pilate replied with a question 'what is truth?' and without waiting to hear from Jesus he went out. (See John 18:37-38).
Pilate lost the opportunity to know the most important secret in life; living life by the truth. There is only one way to live life; by the truth. Otherwise, one is living a lie. For how high should one climb a wall before he finds out if his ladder is on the right wall?

Truth is not relative as philosophers want us to believe. Truth is found in Christ and in His words.
Living by the truth is to be saved by Christ. The Lord Jesus made a clear statement when He said in John 14:6  'I am the way, the truth, and the life'. Paul the apostle said the church of God is the 'ground and the pillar of truth'. (1 Tim 3:15).

Living by the truth is also living by the words of Christ. Life outside the commandments of God is a false life. Such a person is living in bondage according to the words of Christ in John 8:32. In another illustration, the Lord likened whoever lives by His words to the man who builds his house upon a rock.

Are you living the life or you are living a lie? Are you are living life as prescribed by the Life-giver?

Go into today with the hunger for truth. Search the word of God and live by them. Buy the truth and sell it not.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, lead me to the truth of Your words. Let me not live a lie. Lead me through the path of life. Amen.

By Adeolu Olumodeji


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1G5uwuW

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015



Audio version:


1 Peter 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,


God in His infinite mercies has prepared for us a way of salvation from the power of Satan. Even though we are now flesh and were spiritually dead because of our trespasses, God arranged for our salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. He died that we may not again die for our sins because the wages of sin is death. He was bruised and wounded that we may no longer suffer afflictions on the earth because of our sins. (Read Isia 53:5).

Someone asked “How can the death of one single man atone for the sins of the entire human race?” We are all sinners because of the sin of one single man called Adam. He is the father of mankind and because he sinned, we all inherited a sinful nature from Him. If sin could come into the world through one man’s sin, redemption can also come into the world through one man’s righteousness. Jesus Christ came from God and paid the price for our redemption by shedding his blood for our sins. Anyone who believes in Him will no longer have to suffer the consequences of his sins.

What it means to be born again is to be born of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a spiritual birth that happens because of your faith, and you continue to abide in Him because of continued faith in Him.

Go into today knowing that you have received a new life from Christ that always conquers the world and the devil.

Not yet saved? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

Prayer confession: I am walking in the fullness of my new life in Christ Jesus. Amen.

By SD Abraham


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1SmNzZd

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015



Audio Version:


1 Cor 15:21-22

So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man.


Jesus rose up from the dead after the third day, but His resurrection was the first of its kind to ever happen to any man. He didn’t resurrect with the same old body of flesh that is prone to corruption; He resurrected with the glorified body that can function in heaven and on the earth. Even though Jesus Christ is currently having a body that his disciples could physically see and touch, He ascended into heaven and is now  seated on the right hand of the throne of God. His new body has the capacity to operate in both the earth and heaven.

In the beginning, God made man with a body that could naturally interact with the spirit realm (heavenly places); we were not given eyes and ears that couldn’t naturally see and hear angels or God Himself (see Gen 3:10). The body Adam had was superior to the ones we have now. That was what we lost when Adam fell, as God told Him, he died that day (see Gen 2:17); his body stopped existing in the heavenly realm where God operates. Death is separation from a realm of existence.

Jesus is the first to have the redeemed body. God’s will is that all who believe in Him will have this same body at the fullness of time. This body cannot grow tired, get sick or be killed; it operates in intelligence that cannot be fathomed.

Go into today remembering that even though death came through one man (Adam), the resurrection of the dead; the redemption of your body comes through Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for what you’ve done for me. I ask that you help me never miss out of your plan for me. Amen

By SD Abraham

Not yet saved? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1MYqUiX

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

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Monday, June 15, 2015



Audio Version: http://bit.ly/1KRzKzZ

Matt 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. KJV

Emeka was disturbed that his business was now going down. He had done all he could but still could not help the nose dive. One day while he was praying about his business, he realized that he was no longer running it in accordance with the principles of God's kingdom. He repented at that moment. Two months later; he started seeing unprecedented growth in his business.

The kingdom of God will literally take over the governments of this world, but before that happens, it will take over the government of the lives of those who will reign with the Lord Jesus in the coming kingdom (see 2 Tim 2:12, Rev 5:10).

The kingdom of God in your life is the government and authority of the Lord over your life. This government is administered by the Holy Spirit who now lives within you. This means you live your live, run your business, build your home, career, etc. according to the principles of God’s word- you are totally submitted to the Holy Spirit’s authority. When we  do God’s will in our lives, we prepare ourselves for the manifestation of God’s kingdom power in our lives.

Go into today with the consciousness that you are not your own but you have been bought with a price. Your body, soul; mind and your spirit now belongs to the Lord. You should now live your life according to His principles and precepts. These principles and precepts (laws written in your heart) were given to produce righteousness. This is the righteousness that we are also to seek when we seek the kingdom of God.

Prayer: Thank you father for your word today. I pray you help me grow in my experience of your kingdom in my life. Amen

By SD Abraham

Not yet saved? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Galatians 4-6

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1FVnb0K


To receive SG Devotionals early and share with your contacts, Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3

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Sunday, June 14, 2015



AUDIO VERSION(1.7mb): http://bit.ly/1BaRl3F

Matt 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. KJV

Opeyemi read this scripture and decided he wanted God to bless him now. He had struggled all his life to get the good things of life but he hadn't really succeeded. So he decided to obey this scripture; he decided to seek God's kingdom first, then wait and see the blessings overtake him like it did Kehinde; a shining example of someone who the Lord greatly blessed because of his faithfulness to God. Unfortunately for Opeyemi, he never received any of the expected blessings from the Lord. Was it that the Lord didn't honor His word in Opeyimi's life?

You see, Opeyemi did not receive anything from the Lord because he never really truly pursued the kingdom of God. All he was really after were the things of this life. He simply served God because he believed doing so was the easiest way to get the things he wanted out of life.

When a man seeks God’s kingdom for the purpose of having “all these other things added unto him”, that man is not really seeking God's kingdom but doing exactly what Jesus is preaching against in today’s Bible text; he is seeking material things, albeit indirectly.

Go into today determined to understand and seek God's kingdom. Know that the benefit of seeking God's kingdom is inheriting God's kingdom. The rest are simply manifestations of the presence of God’s kingdom in any life.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving me an opportunity to inherit your precious kingdom. I pray you help me inherit it, in Jesus name. Amen.

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- SD Abraham

Audio Sermons: http://bit.ly/1t0PDMd


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1JQZDix

Source: mystreamglobe.com

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Saturday, June 13, 2015



Devotional Audio (1.8mb):


Mat 5:17

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

The religious leaders were against the Lord Jesus primarily because they thought Jesus came to abolish the Law of Moses. God gave Israel the Ten Commandments as basis for all His righteous requirements in the Old Covenant. In the New Covenant, Grace came through the Lord Jesus. And in our main text above, the Lord declared He (His Grace) did not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it. In this devotional, we shall try to understand what 'fulfilling the Law' really means.

Whenever we see a law, we naturally think of obeying it. Obeying the Law is doing what the Law requires. Fulfilling the Law is doing what the Law giver intended. We can put it this way; Obeying the Law deals with the 'letter' of the Law, while Fulfilling the Law deals with the 'spirit' of the Law.

Now let us use one of the Ten Commandments as example. To protect the institution of Marriage, the Commandment says 'You shall not commit adultery'. But God's desire as revealed in the New Covenant is 'Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church' (Eph 5:25). It is possible to avoid committing adultery and yet not love your wife. But it is harder to truly love your wife and hurt her by committing adultery with another woman. This is what Grace gives to us; divine ability to fulfill the very heart desire of God. This way, our lights shine so well that men glorify God for our good works (Mat 5:16).

Go into today with this understanding and knowledge that God's commandments are not burdensome when you receive Grace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, let my good works be a testimony of Your grace. Amen.

-Adeolu Olumodeji

Not yet saved? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Jeremiah 47-52

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1I9Umyc

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Friday, June 12, 2015



AUDIO VERSION: http://bit.ly/1cP2GdW

Jn 9:5

As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.


The text above is taken from a discussion between the Lord Jesus and his disciples about a man born blind. The disciples asked Jesus whose sin it was that was responsible for the man's plight. They wanted to know if it was the man's fault or his parents. In their preoccupation with the source of the problem, they did not realize it could not have been the man's sin anyhow. If he was born that  way, when did he sin to cause the blindness? But the Master seem not to be interested in all of that.

The disciples saw the problem, the Lord Jesus saw the opportunity. He said about the blind man
'Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him' (John 9:3). And Jesus went on to heal the man.

When two people are faced with a challenge, they either make excuses for the problem or find a solution to it. For instance, we find people discuss and analyze the reasons for our national predicaments, but few would actually go on to do something about it. Is a brother in a mess? Seek to alleviate his plight. Is there a chore somebody should do that nobody did? If you could, why not go ahead? It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Go into today shining the light in every dark. Lift a finger.  Be of help. Train your mind to see an opportunity to glorify God in other people's predicament.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to be like You more and more; bringing solution when men are perplexed.

- Adeolu Olumodeji

Not yet saved? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1I7VpyP

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Thursday, June 11, 2015



AUDIO of Expanded Version:


2 Cor 7:1

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. KJV

An evil conscience is a defiled conscience. It is also known as a guilty conscience. It is one of the greatest hindrances to having fellowship with God because a guilty conscience hinders a man from entering God’s presence (see Heb10:22). Guilty conscience comes because of sin and it cannot be wished away. The blood of Jesus is our only remedy for an evil conscience.

Fear defiles the spirit. Fear is the opposite of faith and it is a faith killer. Fear works as an opposing force to faith and it hinders an entrance of God into any life.

Another thing that defiles the spirit is pride and stubbornness. God should have a throne in every heart but that throne is occupied by the man who is proud. Pride defiles the spirit and hinders an entrance of God’s presence.

Hatred and unforgiveness defiles the spirit. The character of God’s nature you now have is love; God is love (see 1Joh 4:7). When a man walks in hatred and unforgiveness, he is walking in a nature contrary to his new nature. Hatred is not the nature of God but that of the devil.

Go into today knowing that you have been saved and given an entrance into God’s great and precious nature. Always let the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart be acceptable in the Lord’s sight. Live your life with a constant consciousness of the Lord’s presence within you. This is the way to live a victorious life as God’s child.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for saving me. I ask that you help me be cleansed from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, through your word and blood. Amen

By SD Abraham

Not yet saved? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3


BIBLE AUDIO = http://po.st/s2uEDh

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Wednesday, June 10, 2015



AUDIO of Expanded Edition:


2 Cor 7:1

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. KJV

Stella said “I knew I was not to be watching that kind of movie, but I just sat there and watched it to the end. After watching it, I felt so dirty. The next morning; I couldn’t even pray because I felt so guilty and dirty”. Remi reminded Stella that the blood of Jesus cleanses her, and Christ suffered for her sins and shed his blood to atone for her. She also encouraged Stella to always follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and never bring herself into such situation in which a guilty conscience would hinder her from the presence of God; “That is the most dangerous thing that can happen to a child of God. You are vulnerable at that point and the devil likes to take advantage of such moments. This is why Christians cannot afford to play with sin”.

What makes a man walk in the fullness of his new nature as a child of God is when he perfects Holiness. Our Bible text reveals that the way to perfect holiness is to cleanse yourself from all defilement of flesh and spirit.

Many times, defilement of spirit is usually caused by defilement of flesh. What defiles the flesh is anything that enters the mind, through the (fleshly) senses, that defiles it. What defiles the spirit is anything that enters the heart and spirit, through the mind, that defiles it.

Go into today determined to guard your heart with all diligence. Don’t let anything that is unclean enter your mind. Meditate on God’s word as you go into today- this is how to cleanse yourself (see Psa 119:9, 11)

Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me cleanse my ways by your word. Amen

By SD Abraham

Not yet saved? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3


BIBLE AUDIO = http://po.st/plQABL

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Tuesday, June 9, 2015



AUDIO VERSION LINK(Expanded Edition):


2 Cor 6:17-7:1

7 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. KJV

Uche: Why do you think Kemi is more holy than the other sisters in fellowship?

David: Don't you see the way she dresses? She doesn't even use jewelry, and she is more serious looking.

Uche: I don't believe someone is holy because of those reasons. I am Holy because Christ lives in me and I have forsaken all my sins.

Uche was right but David (like many Christians today) had the wrong perception of holiness.

Holiness is not a form or a code of conduct that you take upon yourself, holiness is a nature that you inherit because you are a child of God. It is the real nature of God and we walk in holiness by walking in the spirit. What today's Bible text shows us is that when we perfect holiness, we will now truly be able to walk in God's promise of sonship. We also see from today's Bible text that the way to perfect holiness is to cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit.

What does filthiness of flesh and spirit mean? What are the things that defile the flesh and the spirit? We shall study these subsequently.

Go into today knowing that when you start truly walking as a son of God on the earth, you are walking in a realm of no limitations and this is God's will for you.

Prayer: Thank you lord for your grace to empower me do your will. I pray you help me know and do your will in my life. Amen

By SD Abraham

Not yet born again? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3


BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1T8iv0H

Podcast: mystreamglobe.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Monday, June 8, 2015



Devotional Audio Link:


Heb 1:14

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?


After fasting all day and was really tired, a man was driving between two towns in the northern part of Nigeria when he had a flat tire. He was in the middle of the wilderness with no human settlement in sigh. Two young men approached him and offered to change his tire; he was so glad and gave them some money when they finished changing his tire. While he was driving away from them, he looked into his rear mirror to observe them as many thoughts flooded his mind about these very nice men in the middle of the wilderness “where did they come from and how come they speak such fluent English?” he thought as he looked in his rear mirror, but couldn’t find them anymore; they had literally disappeared. He also found the money he gave them back in the place where he took it from. This is a true story.

Angels minister to those who will inherit salvation, whether they are born again at the time or not. How much more so when you are now born again. The Bible tells us that the angel of the Lord encamps around them that fear Him (see Psa 34:7). These angels could also physically manifest themselves if the need arises.

Go into today knowing that you are not alone in this world and you can never ever be forsaken in this life because God who controls angels and the entire universe is on your side.

Prayer: thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for your great love for me. I pray you help me walk always in your will for me. Amen.

By SD Abraham

Not yet born again? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Galatians 1-3 (continuous plan; start today and complete the Bible one year from now)

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1HV5u1Y

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com | Podcast: www.mystreamglobe.com

Whatsapp: +2348034420524 | BBM: 7BF927B3


Sunday, June 7, 2015





John 15:16

Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you. KJV

While preparing a sermon some days back, I tried to list some of the factors responsible for unanswered prayers. There are a couple of them and they include: sins, doubts, praying amiss, unforgiveness, lack of persistence or consistency in prayer. One prime factor emphasized in the Old Testament was sin. In the New Testament, Jesus also laid emphasis on faith deficiency and doubts being hindrances. Also, in today’s Bible text, Jesus says that when we bear fruit and our fruit remains, we will have answers to our prayers. Unfruitfulness creates a hindrance to our prayers. Unfruitfulness is when we are not producing the fruit of the spirit as children of God (see Gal 5:22-23). The fruit of the spirit has to do with Christian character; how do we treat people? Christians are to be people of faith and people of Character.

Fruitfulness also has to do with being faithful in the assignment the Lord has given you in the kingdom; you do not exist just to meet your needs here on earth.

Go into the world today with a determination to be fruitful as you do the things of the kingdom.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, help me to take the business of God's kingdom more seriously, in Jesus name I pray. Amen

By Lanre Tobi & SD Abraham

Not yet born again? Click here: http://po.st/QJ7qx3

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Luke 5-6 (continuous plan; start today and cover the bible a year from now)

BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1dm8sUX

Source: www.streamglobedevotional.com | www.mystreamglobe.com - Podcast

WhatsApp: +2348034420524 |BBM: 7BF927B3


Complete in Christ

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