Tuesday, June 16, 2015



Audio Version:


1 Cor 15:21-22

So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man.


Jesus rose up from the dead after the third day, but His resurrection was the first of its kind to ever happen to any man. He didn’t resurrect with the same old body of flesh that is prone to corruption; He resurrected with the glorified body that can function in heaven and on the earth. Even though Jesus Christ is currently having a body that his disciples could physically see and touch, He ascended into heaven and is now  seated on the right hand of the throne of God. His new body has the capacity to operate in both the earth and heaven.

In the beginning, God made man with a body that could naturally interact with the spirit realm (heavenly places); we were not given eyes and ears that couldn’t naturally see and hear angels or God Himself (see Gen 3:10). The body Adam had was superior to the ones we have now. That was what we lost when Adam fell, as God told Him, he died that day (see Gen 2:17); his body stopped existing in the heavenly realm where God operates. Death is separation from a realm of existence.

Jesus is the first to have the redeemed body. God’s will is that all who believe in Him will have this same body at the fullness of time. This body cannot grow tired, get sick or be killed; it operates in intelligence that cannot be fathomed.

Go into today remembering that even though death came through one man (Adam), the resurrection of the dead; the redemption of your body comes through Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for what you’ve done for me. I ask that you help me never miss out of your plan for me. Amen

By SD Abraham

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BIBLE AUDIO = http://bit.ly/1MYqUiX

Source: streamglobedevotional.com

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