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Matt 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
A very rich man travelled to the country and saw a fisherman resting in the beautiful ocean view. He engaged the fisherman in a conversation. [R= rich man, F= fisherman]
R: Why aren’t you out there fishing, the day is still very young
F: I have caught all the fish I need, so I’m done for the day
R: no, you should still be out there fishing some more
F: why?
R: so you can catch and sell much more fish
F: if I sell more fish, what will I do with all that much money?
R: you can employ workers, and even buy another boat
F: why should I buy another boat?
R: so you can catch more fish, sell them and make even more money. You can even build a large fishing company
F: why would I want to do that?
R: so you can make much more money.
F: all these just to make more money? When I get all that money, what will I do with it?
R: when you get all that money, then you will be able to rest and enjoy life
F: what do you think I was doing when you disturbed me? ●
God wants us to grow in whatever He has entrusted us with. We are the problem solvers; we provide good jobs for many. Everyone who works in your organization would work in a place controlled by the principles of God’s kingdom. All we do and prosper in should be ultimately for the purpose of the increase of God’s Kingdom on the earth.
As a child of God, your joy, fulfillment and rest should never be tied to material possessions. It should be because you have found the rest that Jesus brings.
Go into today knowing that God will cause you to prosper beyond your imagination as you seek the increase of His kingdom through your work. Never forget that the hallmark of the kingdom is righteousness.
-Pas SD Abraham
YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: I Chronicles 10-14
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