Saturday, October 3, 2015



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Ecclesiastes 3:11

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end.


Three brothers once lived in a village, they lived every day in complete faithfulness to God and the whole community eventually became aware of their godly lifestyle. They had preached and boasted that God will always save his own when they're in trouble. They soon got into trouble with the king for refusing to worship the gods of the land. They were harassed, humiliated, and eventually bond and thrown into fire as punishment. It was at the peak of their suffering that God showed up, he stopped the fire from consuming them and because the whole community was gathered to witness their punishment, they all saw God's power in display and believed Him. This was the case with the three Hebrew boys in Babylon (Daniel 3)

Do not say “where is God" when you are passing through difficult times, instead know that there is ‘God's time' when all things will be beautiful.

When God's time comes, the crowd will witness the glow of your beauty.

Go into today knowing that God is never late, He will come to your rescue making all things beautiful but at His own time. Learn to wait on Him and trust in Him.

Prayer: Father, I believe you are with me even right now, I believe you will come and make my present situation beautiful, in Jesus name I pray. Amen. Not yet saved? Tap:

-Dr James Emmanuel.

Yearly Bible Plan: Philemon 1


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