Monday, December 21, 2015


2 Corinthians 8:9
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although he was rich, he became poor for your sakes, so that you by his poverty could become rich. [NET]

Chief Patrick was the richest man in his community. He was not very generous so when he died people did not miss him. The last ten years of his life was like hell on earth; he had struggled with cancer that kept spreading, but his riches could not alleviate his suffering. The riches that Christ gives, is superior to the type Chief Patrick had, it can expel all kinds of sufferings and bondage. It does not only provide financial security, it provides eternal security.

Jesus was rich but He became poor so that through His poverty we might also become rich like Him. It is therefore necessary to understand His kind of riches. Think about the kind of riches Christ has; He is all powerful; nothing is impossible with Him, nothing can conquer Him, etc. This is the same kind of riches Christ offers you. He came to make us more than conquerors (see Rom 8:37); He came to supply all our needs and to cause us to have abundance in all good things (see 2 Cor 9:8), etc. We receive Christ’s riches by dwelling in Him and allowing Him dwell in us (see John 15:7). This means His word controls your life and you are submitted to His authority; this means you no longer live your life to serve mammon but to serve God alone (see Mat 6:24).

Go into today determining to enter the riches Jesus purchased for you with His precious blood. Know that you are an over-comer and nothing can conquer you in life because of the blood of Jesus.

Prayer: Thank our Father in heaven for your life. Ask for more of the enriching grace of Christ Jesus. Not saved? Click here:
-Pas SD Abraham

Yearly Bible Plan: Deut 23-25
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