Saturday, December 12, 2015


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Mark 1:8
8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. [KJV]

When Salome found out that she was pregnant, the first thing that came to her mind was ‘who is responsible?’ This was clearly a sign to her that she had not been very responsible with her life. You see, even though Salome had given her life to Christ up to five times already, she found it practically impossible to live the life of a Christian. Why was it so difficult for her to be a Christian? Because there was no power available in her inner man to live the exchanged life.

Notice that when Jesus told His disciples to go and preach the gospel, He did not simply say to go into the world and preach, he always added something like this: “baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit (see Matt 28:19)” or “he that believes and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16)”. Jesus did not expect His disciples to only preach the gospel of salvation to people, He wanted them to lead the people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and teach them about the Kingdom (see Matt 28:20).

Many Christians struggle today because they have not yet received the power from heaven to be Christians. This power comes after the Holy Ghost has come upon them (see Acts 1:8).

Go into today depending on the power that the Holy spirit supplies. This power also empowers you to pray the way you ought to. If you have not yet been baptized in the Holy Ghost, this should become your top priority as a Christian.

Prayer: Thank our heavenly father for bringing you to this Day. Ask Him for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit and Power (see Luke 11:12-13).
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-Pas SD Abraham

Yearly Bible Plan: Acts 17-18
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