Monday, February 29, 2016


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Isaiah 2:2
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. [KJV]

As soon as Ladi started work in the company, it was clear that a something good has come. Because of her work there, the company became profitable again. Ladi was the most valued person in that company. Her secret was her ability to employ the resources of her divine life in Christ.

Today’s Bible text shows us that in the last days, the kingdom of God will be glorified and all nations will seek direction from it. I believe this is a prophecy concerning the days the Lord physically comes with us His saints to dominate the earth. But I also know that now in this present world, we are to manifest the first fruits of all the realities of the age to come (see Heb 6:5).

Go into today knowing that the power that is at work in you is superior to any the world has ever seen (see 1 Jo 5:4, 1 Jo 4:4). Remember that you are the light of the world (see Mat 5:14), you will provide solutions to the world’s greatest problems and nations will feel honored to have you.

Prayer confession: I am walking in the fullness of God’s will for me. I am the light of the world. Men will see my good works and glorify my heavenly father, in Jesus name. Amen.
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-Pas SD Abraham

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Sunday, February 28, 2016


Devotional Audio:

Rom 12:6-7
And we have different gifts according to the grace given to us. If the gift is prophecy, that individual must use it in proportion to his faith. [NET]

When I was very young, my friends and I started a prayer group we called 'Prayer cell'. We got together regularly to pray fervently, and some awesome things began to happen through me in that group. At that very young age (not up to 11 years old), I found myself walking in the gift of word of knowledge. I could tell people what they did quite accurately. I continued to walk in this gift later on. But a time came as I grew older that I couldn’t access it again, and this bothered me greatly. As I started to grow and learn more, I noticed that one thing that made me walk in that spiritual gift even at a young age was the level of faith I had. I wasn’t self-conscious nor was I too worried whether the words that came to me were correct or not. I was not too concerned what people will say if there was no confirmation of the word of knowledge that I gave. As I grew older, I became more self-aware and self-conscious, and the faith I once had in manifesting this gift appeared to have diminished. (There is a reason why childlike faith thrives in God’s Kingdom).

Now, I notice that when my faith is high, and I am more conscious of God’s presence than the person(s) before me, I walk in this spiritual gift again.

There is a pastor reading this, you have not been able to walk in your gifts because you have been afraid and self-conscious. Go into today casting away every fear and walk in your spiritual gifts in Jesus name.

Prayer: Father, I thank you because your spiritual gifts are for me. I pray you help me walk in them according to your plan, In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Matthew 14-16

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Saturday, February 27, 2016


Devotional Audio:

Rom 12:6
And we have different gifts according to the grace given to us. If the gift is prophecy, that individual must use it in proportion to his faith. [NET]

“If I had walked in these spiritual gifts a year ago, my aunt wouldn’t have died”. Ronke thought. It pained Ronke that she could have been walking in her spiritual gifts long ago if she knew what she now knows.

What exactly was it that Ronke knew? She knew that spiritual gifts were meant for her, that she didn’t have to earn them because they are gifts. Jesus has already paid for them with his life. She also acquired faith to manifest them by hearing God’s word of faith. She had learned that spiritual gifts are manifested according to one’s measure of faith, so she went for the word of God to build her faith.

Ronke noticed that she started becoming more and more conscious of the Holy Spirit and she grew in friendship with the Holy Spirit, this was a major key to her breakthrough in spiritual gifts.

We saw previously that one sign that the kingdom of God is present is that the power of God will be manifested. We are to be agents of God’s power on the earth. One way we manifest this power is through His spiritual gifts. We are to desire spiritual gifts (see 1 Cor 12:31). Our desire is bound to birth manifestations.

As you go into today, remember that the Holy Spirit is the one who distributes spiritual gifts. This means you have to be in fellowship with Him in order to activate and maximize His gifts within you.

Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to walk in closer communion and friendship with Him from this day. Amen.
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-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Isaiah 29-33

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Friday, February 26, 2016



Mathew 11:28.
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". [KJV]

Bisi is a Christian. He borrowed a book from a senior colleague while in school. He knew this fellow was about to graduate so to return the book to him, but he wanted to finish reading everything in the book. Unfortunately, this friend graduated, but Bisi could not return the book. Thereafter he heard a sermon on restitution and this fueled every sting of condemnation in his heart because he tried to locate this friend but all efforts proved abortive. He labored in this condemnation for years until he read Mat 11:28. He saw Jesus in that scripture calling out to him to BRING IT ALL. Immediately, he found God's peace in his heart.

Just like Bisi, you may be stuck with this kind of arrow in your heart, especially when a scripture is pointing to your wrongs. My dear, the scripture must point to your wrongs, but it is not always within your strength to right the wrongs. Take that embargo of the devil upon you to Jesus and He will give you peace in exchange. He will free your heart from all condemnation and give you the strength and wisdom to do what is required.

Don't be too anxious and careful to prove yourself before God because your proof is already in Christ. By grace, you have already been accepted in God's beloved family (see Eph 1:6), Read Phil 4:6,
1 Peter 5:7: Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. [NET]

As you go into today, note this: there is no question you cannot find its answer in Christ. BRING IT ALL.

Prayer: I surrender all my bewildering questions to you Lord, withholding nothing.Thank you Father for as long as my questions are in Your hands, I can go about your business with a peaceful heart. Amen. Not yet saved? Tap:
-KC Ibekwe

YBP: Job 11-12
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Thursday, February 25, 2016


Devotional Audio:

1 Cor 1:6-7
6 Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: 7 So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: [KJV]

Ronke went to visit her friend in another campus. She stayed there for three days and was really blessed by their fellowship. One notable thing about that Campus fellowship was a great presence of spiritual gifts. Prophesying and healings were a common thing, even among new believers there. Ronke left that campus desiring the spiritual gifts and praying to receive them. In a short time, she too started walking notably in spiritual gifts. Her desire birthed a manifestation that Jesus had long paid for.

When Jesus commissioned us preach the gospel, He told us that ‘these signs shall follow they that believe’ and He mentioned a list of spiritual gifts and manifestations (see Mark 16:15-18).

In today’s Bible text, we see Apostle Paul making reference to spiritual gifts in the people as a sign that His testimony of Christ among them was confirmed. You see, the sign that true Christianity is in a place is the manifestation of God’s power and righteousness (see 1 Cor 4:21).

Go into today knowing that the grace of God in your life produces much more than knowledge and utterance (see 1 Cor 1:5-7). It has sufficient power to produce great spiritual gifts. Go into today desiring more manifestations of God’s power and gifts in your life. Remember that your desire would birth a manifestation. “… Seek and you shall find…” (Read Mat 7:7).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for saving me and making me your own. I pray that you help me walk in your power; that your power and gifts will be manifested in my life like never before. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Psalms 15-17

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016



Proverbs 31:18
She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. [KJV]

Also read: Luke 15:8

Ayo received many awards, he was also the overall best student in the school. The principal of the school came up stage to make comments "Ayo burnt the night candles" he said.

Night: a time to rest, sleep and a time covered with darkness. This time is characterized by inactivity. Yet, almost every great success is associated with the night.

The woman in today's text perceived that her merchandise was good; hence, she spent the hours of the night preparing, rehearsing and practicing. What have you perceived to be good in your life? What are your strategies to achieving it? What extra effort do you need to put in place? Certainly, there are excesses you must cut off.

God has given the dream; it is your responsibility to pursue it. Remember that to have a dream eyes must be closed, but eyes must be opened to make it come to pass.

Check your archive as you go into the day, find out those merchandise in you that are good and spend quality time developing them. Follow God, seek knowledge, chase excellence and you will be productive.

Prayer: I rebuke laziness in my life in Jesus name.
I receive the grace of an achiever in Jesus name.
I receive light (knowledge) to achieve in Jesus name. Amen.

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-Dr James Emmanuel

YBP: Judges 1-6

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Devotional Audio:

Psa 67:1-2
1 O God, in mercy bless us; let your face beam with joy as you look down at us.
2 Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind. [TLB]

Whenever a king has an important message, it is natural that he sends it through an important servant or messenger.

Let us begin with God as an example. Throughout scriptures, Angel Gabriel is the one God sent important messages through, among the angels. Cardinal among these was the message to the virgin Mary that she would birth Jesus Christ.

We see another example in Abraham. Abraham needed to get a wife for his son Isaac; a woman chosen by God who would help establish the covenant given to Abraham. He sent Eliezer his eldest and favourite servant. (Gen 24:2;17:2). Paul wanted his parchments from Troas and he could send anyone, but he preferred Timothy (see 2 Tim 4:13). That was most likely why Paul enjoined Timothy to commit important things to faithful men (see 2 Tim 2:2). It is an act of mercy when God chooses any man as His minister. (1 Tim. 1:12)

What a privilege to be counted as one through whom the Lord sends His all-important message of salvation. (Mat. 28:18-20). We must be special in His eyes. Our main text says God's face beams with joy over the ones He sends.

As you share God's good news today, do it as one carrying a very important message.

Pray with the words of our main text: 'Send me O Lord with the news of Your saving power and Your eternal plan for mankind'.
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- Pas Adeolu Olumodeji

YBP: Genesis 20-23

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Monday, February 22, 2016


Devotional Audio:
Mark 11:13 
And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find anything thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.


There is the true story told of an eighty year old woman who was seen moving from street to street preaching the gospel with a bell in her hand. Those who saw her were amazed; they would ask why she was still doing this at her old age? ‘I neglected it when I had the strength, God gave me a second chance’ she would respond.

The tree in our text had no second chance, it withered immediately. Jesus sought fruit from a tree when it was not time for fruit, have you thought on this before? Think about it today.

Has God given you an assignment: talents to use; a book to write, a message to preach, tracts to share, lives to touch, etc.? Are you saying in your heart that it is not time because conditions are not favorable? are you excusing yourself waiting ' for the time of figs’?  Remember brethren, that our lives are not our own (see Jeremiah 10:23).

Go into today pondering on today's text. If God will come seeking fruit from you today, will He find fruits?
You can do all that he assigned you. Begin it today and He will supply all you need to be successful.

Prayer: My Father, as I begin to do all you have committed into my hands, supply all my needs in Jesus name. Amen.

If you want to become born again, click this link:
-Dr James Emmanuel.

YBP: Romans 11-12

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Sunday, February 21, 2016


Devotional Audio:

Eph 6:10
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. [NIV]

Deji had an effectual prayer life. Each time he prayed he had great confidence that the Lord would hear him, and because of this he received great results. Deji derived strength in knowing that he was walking in a righteous and holy manner. One day as he was praying with his usual strength drawn from consciousness of his righteousness, his thoughts strayed to some unrighteous things he’d done some time ago, he remembered them and his strength in the place of prayer diminished. His ability to do spiritual warfare failed in the darkness of his sin consciousness. Thankfully, he remembered that Jesus came to make him righteous. He remembered that he was never to stand before God based on His own righteousness but based on the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Immediately, Deji received strength in the Lord and regained his ability to do spiritual warfare against the powers that sought to limit his destiny.

Even though as children of God, we are not to consciously walk in a way that gives the accuser grounds to afflict our consciences, let us not be deceived into the trap of self-righteousness. It makes a person think that God would hear him because of something he did, or did not do. Let us cease to draw strength from our own self-righteousness and discipline. Let us continually draw strength from the Lord’s righteousness. This is what it means to be strong in the Lord.

As you go into today, know that you are going from Victory to victory because your strength comes from the Lord’s righteousness.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to always depend on your righteousness and walk in it. Deliver me from walking in a manner that is not consistent with your new righteous nature within me. Amen.
-Pas SD Abraham


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