Monday, February 8, 2016


Malachi 3:6 
“I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed” [KJV] 
Devotional Audio:

If you are in the middle of traffic and the car in front of you seems to move, it is either the car is moving or you are the one moving. You can’t use the car in front of you as a point of reference, you may be wrong. But there are some immovable structures you can use as your reference point. A light pole or a building. Now, if you notice that the building seems to be moving, then know you’re on the move, if it doesn’t seem to be moving, then the car in front of you is the one moving.

Now what is our point of reference in such a dynamic world as ours? Who is the constant in this equation? For all of these to make sense, there must be someone behind the scenes who controls all these changes but He does not change. “In the beginning GOD…” this is the only explanation that makes sense. God does not change. He is the eternal I AM. He was here when it all began; He still watches to make sure His plans come to pass.

Friends, trust Him, He won’t fail you because He does not change. Whatever situation you may find yourself is not strange to God, He will help you.

As you go into today, be encouraged. Be strong. Face whatever change may come your way knowing that “underneath are the everlasting arms.”

Prayer: Lord help me to trust you no matter what may come my way, help me to always remember that you do not change, therefore I am not consumed. Not yet Saved? Tap:
-Otuokon, Ubokudom
Yearly Bible Plan: Genesis 12-15

The print version of Streamglobe Devotional comes with a CD containing the Audio Devotionals and Audio Bible for our yearly Bible plan. Click this link to learn how to get your free copy:

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