Tuesday, March 1, 2016


AUDIO LINK: http://bit.ly/1TjhsNH

Psalms 92:5 
O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep.[KJV]

Kemi had a delay for three years before going for her country’s compulsory youth service corps called NYSC. Because she would not be employed without an NYSC certificate, she decided to prepare and go for certain ICT professional certificate examinations while she waited. She had ample skills and time to prepare for the examinations and she performed excellently and was duly certified.

After she finished her NYSC, she applied to a multi national company and was invited for interview. To her amazement, there was a large number of people who came for the interview. She was taken, not because of her degree but because she had the extra qualification of the ICT certifications. “Thank God I was delayed, thank God I wrote those exams” Kemi said. She was the only person from her country Chosen for that particular spot in the multinational company.

One thing I have come to learn in my dealing with God is that I can never out think Him in planning for my life and future. His plan are more detailed and beautiful than my greatest imagination. His thoughts are indeed very deep. He Even uses situations that you may deem unfortunate to produce great benefits for you.

Go into this new month rest assured that God’s thoughts for you are good and not evil, to bring you to an expected end (see Jer 29:11).

Prayer: I am walking in the will of God for me, in Jesus name. Amen.
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-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Romans 13-14
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