Tuesday, March 22, 2016


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John 5:14-15
14 After this Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, "Look, you have become well. Don't sin any more, lest anything worse happen to you." [NET]

Abu was possessed with unclean spirits and he knew it. His grandmother was a very popular and powerful witch doctor and he was her favorite grandchild. She once told him that he was the one to take her place in the future.

When Abu became born again, he was delivered from over 40 unclean spirits that possessed him. He knew that even though he loved his wealthy grandma so much, he could not continue going to her for any kind of help. Abu somehow understood that going to his grandma for help would expose him again to the demons that wanted to ruin his life. She would usually give Him a lot of money if he requested, but she would insist that he joins her in one or two rituals first.

Yesterday, we saw that when a spirit is cast out of a person by the power of God, it cannot come back unless it is invited. The unfortunate thing is that some Christians invite back the evil spirits they have been delivered from. They do so by going back to their old ways of iniquity. Note that anything you do that has a hint of idolatry is usually an express invitation to demons.

As you go into the day, ask the Lord to empower you walk above every old sin that empowers unclean spirits against you.

Prayer: Thank the Lord for calling into His glorious light. Ask the Lord for grace to be all that He wants you to be.
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-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Isaiah 45-50
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Free indeed

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