Sunday, April 24, 2016


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Matt 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. [NET]

We have examined how grace is multiplied by asking and seeking. We have also seen that God does not expect us to run this race by our own ability but by His grace. We receive this grace by asking, seeking, and knocking. We have previously examined asking and seeking.

Let us examine the spiritual principle of knocking. In teaching us how to receive from God, Jesus told us the parable of a man who received help from his friend in the night because he was persistent- he kept knocking on the door (see Luke 11:5-13). The key about knocking is consistency. Consistency means doing what is right and continuing even when expected results are not immediately forthcoming.

For example, many people like you now read Streamglobe Devotional. What you may not know is that this work started since 2012, and it started with just a handful of friends who read it. Some warned us to stop sending the messages to them but we were not discouraged and continued to do the work consistently. Today, our feedback shows that thousands now read Streamglobe Devotional across several countries. This was something we desired from the first day we started, but a major key to getting here was knocking (consistency). And we are still knocking.

Is there something in your life you are asking the Lord to expand and increase? The Lord’s word for you today is that you should be consistent in doing what is right. He will bring growth as you keep knocking. He will redirect you if you are on the wrong path.

Go into today remembering to be consistent in doing what is right before God.

Confession: I am a child of God, Life responds positively to me. I am always a victor and never a victim. Amen.

-Pas SD Abraham


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