Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Galatians 6:10
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. [NKJV]

Ugbede was looking for a better job. His brother and sisters were doing their best to help him secure a good one. There was an opening in the company his brother worked. They needed a new ICT specialist, and Ugbede had the required qualification and experience. When Ugbede's brother heard about this, he knew many people would be interested. He summoned courage to go and see his MD to request that Ugbede be given the Job. That was how Ugbede got the fantastic job.

We go out our way many times to help our earthly brothers and sisters, but many times, we fail to do so for our heavenly brothers and sister. Many Christians don’t realize that what joins us together as Christians is stronger than flesh and blood.

We are members of the family of God. You were born into this family when you became born again. We should always be conscious of the fact that we belong to God's family and we have brothers and sisters who may need our help.

When you walk in the consciousness of this reality always, you are unlocking several possibilities that are only activated when you understand your spiritual identity. Many Christians have not fully taken advantage of the fatherhood of God because they have neglected true brotherhood with His Children.

Go into today determined to treat your Christian brother as your brother indeed.

Prayer: Heavenly father, I ask that you help me obey this word and understand that my first identity is in your Household. Amen.
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-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Isaiah 62-66
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