Saturday, April 9, 2016


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Job 32:8
But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. [KJV]

Jacob carried the covenant blessing of Abraham, yet, for many years he was cheated by Laban, despite his hard work.

When Laban was to pay Jacob for his years of fruitful work as a shepherd, Jacob requested that any among the flock that was not completely white (the very few with spots, or any other coloration) should be given to him as payment. This was a fair and an excellent arrangement, it eliminated suspicion about whether Jacob would steal Laban’s flock in the future, and the sheep and goats that were not pure-white were relatively very few. Laban agreed to this arrangement. But before the set day for Jacob to select his flock, Laban secretly arranged with his sons to remove all colored and speckled animals from the fold. (See Gen 30:31-35).

Humanly speaking, there was no way Jacob would have prospered under the meanness of his boss, but his story changed when God gave him inspiration through a dream. He moved from the dimension of hard work alone to the dimension of grace. Because of this, he was so blessed that Laban and his sons began to envy him.

Many Christians have looked to the government or their employers for rightful reward for labor, but have been disappointed over and over again. I will proffer today that all you need is inspiration from God, and like Jacob, your blessings will run after you.

Go into today knowing that every struggle, whether financial, academic, marital or even spiritual will end once you begin to walk in God’s inspiration.

Prayer: my father, I ask for your inspiration to set me into my blessings. In Jesus name. Amen.
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-Dr James Emmanuel 

YBP: Gen 44-47
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