Saturday, May 14, 2016


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1 Cor 1:18
For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are BEING saved it is the power of God. [NET]

Jide: Pastor, what is happening with sis Clair? She no longer comes to Church and she has really changed.

Pastor: We have been praying for her. I have talked to her several times. It appears she has backslidden.

Jide: That is one thing I don’t understand. How come people can backslide after becoming children of God? Because physically speaking, it is impossible for me to stop being a child of my parents.

Pastor: One lesson the Lord has taught me is that our salvation is a continuous process until we become exactly like the Lord Jesus. This journey of salvation will end the day we see the Lord and become exactly as He is (see 1 Joh 3:2).

What really happens when a person accepts Christ is that he leaves the path of darkness and starts on the path of salvation. As he walks with the Lord and learns more and more, the Lord’s grace and glory is multiplied in his life and he becomes more and more like the Lord through God’s power.

Unlike physical birth, our spiritual birth happened because we chose to follow Christ according to the will of God. If we now chose not to follow Christ anymore, we are backsliding and leaving the faith. That is the reason why some people’s name will be removed from the book of life (see Rev 3:5).

Go into today knowing that God has given you the power to become His son.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you use this mighty power to become all that He wants you to be.

-Pas SD Abraham

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