Saturday, May 7, 2016


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1 Cor 6:20
For you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body. [NET]

Ladan got into a confrontation with a sorcerer who felt he had spiritual authority over him. This man wanted Ladan to give him money for regular family rituals and sacrifices for protection. Ladan refused this time and said he no longer would participate in idol worship.

The sorcerer threatened Ladan and said Ladan should know that he belongs to the family, and because he has refused to do what is required, he was going to suffer serious consequences. Ladan responded by saying ‘I have been bought with a price. I now belong to Jesus and you can do me no harm’.

The sorcerer angrily left Ladan’s house and told Ladan to expect to hear from him soon. On his way back to the village, the sorcerer was involved in a ghastly motor accident. He was unconscious for several months. Ladan never heard from him again.

What are the consequences of your being bought with a price?

You are no longer your own and God who bought you now takes responsibility for you. You are now God’s responsibility. God bought us with Christ’s precious blood from the bondage of darkness into His glorious kingdom.

Do not use your body to do anything that displeases and dishonors God. Honor the Lord with your body and all that you have. One way people dishonor God is by participating in idol worship or sexual immorality. When you give money for sacrifice or rituals to other gods, you have participated in idol worship and dishonored your God.

Go into today with the confidence that you are not your own and God jealously watches over you.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you to always live in the consciousness that He owns you and you are His responsibility.

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-Pas SD Abraham
YBP: Exodus 21-24
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