Sunday, June 19, 2016


Audio Version here:

Eph 2:6-7
For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. [NLT]

Kemi was very spiritually alive when she left Kaduna and moved to Lagos. After staying in Lagos for about four months, she was practically dead spiritually. She had gone back to her old ways of sin and could not understand why she didn’t have the power she once had to live a holy life.

The reason Kemi fell so far from grace was because she neglected the fellowship of brethren when she moved to Lagos. While she was in Kaduna, she grew exceedingly because she was in the midst of brethren who were spiritually alive, and they enjoyed sound fellowship and brotherly love. Even though Kemi was attending a mega church in Lagos, she did not have real Christian fellowship there. She did not even know any of her church members personally.

What makes us partakers of the salvation that Christ brought is because we became members of His body when we believed. All the benefits of being a Christian are there because we are included in Christ as members of His body which is the Church. We enjoy in everything that happened to Christ because we were included in Him. But not as individuals, we were included as His body- together with other brethren.

Many people try to downplay the body life for personal life and relationship with the Lord, but the truth is if a person is growing in His personal walk with the Lord, this growth will produce an unquenchable hunger for true fellowship with His brethren.

Go into today knowing that God did not plan for you to be a lone ranger. His desire is for you to be part of a community of His Children in your locality.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to give you true Christian fellowship. Amen.
-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Luke 11-12

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