Wednesday, July 20, 2016


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Ephesians 5:19 [KJV]
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord

I had an experience recently while praising God. I was lying in bed waiting for sleep so I decided to sing songs of worship till sleep would come. I noticed I myself was enjoying the melody of the songs. My voice was sounding nice to my ears and joy was filling my heart. Then it occurred to me that God was listening to my songs. After all, I was singing in worship to Him. I imagined that God was also enjoying the melody, probably in ways I could not even fully understand. It made me feel love from God in a special way, and I must have slept off with a smile on my face that night.

Irrespective of how hoarse our voices may sound to the ear, we can all make melody in our hearts to the Lord. David was called 'a man after God's heart'. He was also well known as the 'Psalmist of Israel'. (2 Sam 23:1). He wrote the largest book is Scriptures; a book of psalms. David was fond of making music in his heart to the Lord. He said in Psalms 147:1
‘Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely’.

Praise is comely to the Lord means praise is fitting or praise suits God well. He loves good melodies that come from grateful hearts; hearts that are filled with His Holy Spirit.

What situation are you in that makes it hard for you to praise God? Remember Paul and Silas were in captivity but they praised and sang unto the Lord. The Lord brought them out. Your breakthrough might just be a praise away.

Go into today with spontaneous songs from your heart to the Lord.
Bless His holy name. Amen.
- Pas Adeolu Olumodeji

YBP: II Kings 11-15
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