Wednesday, August 31, 2016


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Rom 5:17[NLT]
For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God's wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.

Daniel posted to his Facebook page that he is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He was excited to hear this truth. But he didn’t hear it all. He didn’t realize that the gift of righteousness and grace we have from God empowers us to triumph over sin. His Facebook post was now the subject of his classmate's mockery when he was caught for exam malpractice the following day.

Somehow, even the people of this world expect to see victory over sin when a man professes faith in Christ.

Today's Bible text shows us that we who have received God’s wonderful grace and gift of righteousness will triumph over sin and death through Jesus Christ. In God's kingdom, sin is not disregarded as something that grace covers; it is perpetually resisted and conquered by the superior power of Christ.

Why is sin such a big deal, why can't God just overlook all future sins after we have been justified by faith? Because the reason we needed justification in the first place was because of sin. Jesus came to save us from our sins (see Mat 1:21). He came to break the irresistible power of sin over mankind and give us power to walk above the bondage of sin and death.

Go into today knowing that because of grace, sin has no dominion over you.

Prayer Confession: I am walking above sin and death. I am walking in the divine nature and doing exploits for God. In Jesus name. Amen.
-Pas Abraham SD Arigi

YBP: Numbers 9-12

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016


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Rom 5:1 [NLT]
Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.

If you think you have been righteous without Christ's grace, compare your life to the standards of God’s law given by Moses. If after doing this, you still feel you have been righteous, understand that the version of God’s law given by Moses was actually toned-down because of the hardness of the heart men (see Mat 19:8). Take a look at the laws of the kingdom Jesus gave in Matthew 5-7, where He gives commandments like 'love your enemy' 'turn the other cheek', etc. I assure you, when you look at the law in its most pristine version; you will understand that it is not possible for mere flesh and blood to meet up to the standards of God’s righteousness.

We are not declared righteous because we meet up to the standard of God’s eternal law, we are declared righteous because of our faith in Christ Jesus.

It is because of this justification that we have access to God’s throne of grace where we can obtain mercy and find grace to help us walk in the righteousness of God (see Heb 4:16). Because of grace, it is now possible for us to walk in the righteousness of God. We do this because we no more walk in the flesh, but in the spirit.

Go into today knowing that because of Christ Jesus, you are righteous in the sight of God. Because of His grace, you will reach the mark for the prize of the high calling in God (see Philippians 3:14).
Ask the Lord to help you walk in the fullness of His grace for you.

-Pas Abraham SD Arigi

YBP: II Timothy 1-2

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Monday, August 29, 2016


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Leviticus 2:1 [NIV]
“When someone brings a grain offering to the Lord, his offering is to be of fine flour. He is to pour oil on it, put incense on it.”

(Read Leviticus 2:1-13)

The grain offering in today’s Bible text typifies offering our lives to God. God wants our lives ground very small; the way He can deal with without any opposition from us. Oil typifies the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to offer our lives acceptably to God without the help of the Holy Spirit. Incense or Frankincense (in some translations) is an aromatic gum that produces a nice scent when burnt; it typifies worship. We are to offer our lives with the help of the Holy Spirit and in worship.

In Leviticus 2:2, part of the fine flour and oil are taken, with ALL of the frankincense. What does this signify? The whole of the frankincense, all worship is to go to God. You can praise a man for the good things he does, you can thank a man, but you must never worship any man; not your pastor or bishop. All worship must go to God.

In Leviticus 2:11, no leaven and honey is permitted in our offering. Withholding leaven means to offer our lives in sincerity and truth (1 cor. 5:7-8). Don’t make a commitment you’re not ready to fulfill. No leaven, no honey, no sweet words; don’t say anything to God that you won’t stand behind to fulfill.

In Leviticus 2:13, every offering must be offered with salt. Salt signifies a covenant relationship with God. God accepts our offering on the basis of a covenant relationship with Him. God receives acceptably only offerings that come from a committed heart and a committed life.

Go into today determined to offer your life as a living sacrifice in a way that is acceptable and pleasing to God.

Prayer: Commit you heart and your life afresh to God today, ask that He will help you offer your life in a way that will please Him.
- Otuokon, Ubokudom.

YBP: John 7-9
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Sunday, August 28, 2016


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2 Cor 13:14 [NLT]
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Because of sound teachings on grace, Abdul now understood what it meant to walk in constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He started enjoying fellowship with the Holy Spirit in a way that he didn’t know was possible. Also, he realized that his weaknesses were no more an issue.

Abdul was a doctor, and had to oversee the treatment of some patients with diseases that could not be cured by medical science. One of such patients already dying of aids caught his attention unusually. He felt led to pray for her, and he did. As he prayed, he knew the Holy Spirit was ministering to her. But she wasn’t his patient so he soon forgot about her.

Two weeks later, Abdul was surprised to see that she was now seating up and eating food by herself. This was a woman expected to die in a matter of days, but here she was recovering. Because of this, Abdul took special interest in her case. It was later discovered that the woman was now HIV negative. The Lord had miraculously healed her of tuberculosis and cured her of AIDS.

Grace is not only empowering you to walk above the dominion of sin, it also empowers you to do exploits in this world. Grace is God’s spiritual power at work in you, and it manifests in various ways including healing the sick, casting out demons, walking in unusual wisdom and understanding, walking in diverse spiritual gifts (see Rom 12:6), etc.

Go into today knowing that the grace of the Lord empowers you to do the natural supernaturally and the supernatural naturally. Not yet saved? Click ☞
-Pas SD Abraham
YBP: Hosea 1-7

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Saturday, August 27, 2016


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2 Cor 13:14 [NLT]
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
One of the first things Kunle realized as he started walking in the Spirit was the deep love God has for Him. The Holy Spirit revealed dimensions of this to him daily. As he continued to walk in constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit, he was getting more secure in His relationship with God. He was now sure that God was his father who loves him jealously.
As time passed, Kunle observed that he was effortlessly walking above the sins that were once difficult for him to overcome. He also noticed that his heart was more filled with love, and the power of God now flowed through him easily.
Today’s Bible text shows us three things that should dwell with every Christian. You cannot truly have one without having the other.
The first is the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is what filled Jesus (see John 1:14) and empowered Him to walk in His divine nature, even though He was in a body of flesh.If you are born again, you have received the divine nature in your spirit. Grace will help you walk in this divine nature, even though you are still in a body of flesh.
The second is the Love of God. You cannot walk in the divine empowerment called grace if you are not conscious of God’s boundless love for you. Walking in grace and understanding God’s love is facilitated by the Holy Spirit who dwells within you and interacts with you. This interaction is called the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.(Read Eph 3:17-19)
Go into thanking the Lord for His abundant love, fellowship and grace.
Ask the Lord to open your eyes to understand His boundless love for you. Not yet saved? Click
-Pas SD Abraham
Proverbs 19
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Friday, August 26, 2016


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Rom 6:14 [KJV]
14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Abdul became a Christian when he was in the university, but because of his religious background, it was quite hard for him to fully understand the grace of God and walk in it. He struggled with certain lusts that now appeared to have dominion over him.

When he talked to his pastor about this, by the help of the Holy Spirit, his pastor found out the reason Abdul was still under the dominion of sin. It was because Abdul was not walking under grace but under the law. His pastor started teaching him the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The way out of sin’s dominion is walking under grace.

Remember, we have seen yesterday that the way to walk under grace is by walking in the Spirit (see Rom 8:4). Grace is administered to your spirit by the Holy Ghost within you.

What does it mean to be under the law? It means you are controlled and directed by laws. The Jews who lived under the law were controlled by the dictates of the law.

What does it mean to be under grace? It means embracing God’s unconditional love for you and letting His Spirit control you by walking in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who supplies grace to your spirit.

Go into today filled with grace by walking in the love of God and the sweet fellowship the Holy Spirit within you (see 2 Cor 13:14). Christians sin because they lose this sweet communion. This communion engenders increased knowledge of God that multiplies grace (see 2 Pet 1:2).

Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you have unending communion with Him all the days of your life. Not yet saved? Click ☞
-Pas SD Abraham
YBP: Psalms 99-101

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Thursday, August 25, 2016


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Rom 8:5 [NET]
For those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit.

Each time Chinyere played in the mud, she would later have a painful foot infection called athlete’s foot.

Her mother now instructed her to stop playing in the mud, but Chinyere would disobey her mother and still play in the mud. When her mother finds out, Chinyere would be severely punished for her disobedience. But this did not remove the fact that Chinyere would face the reality of athlete’s foot much later.

Before the law existed, sin was in the world. And sin already had its attendant eternal consequences, because sin is actually a spiritual venom that produces [spiritual] death (see Rom 6:23).

You see, the law tried to save man and cause him to walk in righteousness, but it failed because man had the weakness of his flesh hindering him from obeying the law in truth. The law now only succeeded in bringing the consciousness of sin, and bringing curses for disobedience.

(Rom 8:3-4-NET) God achieved what the law could not do… By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and concerning sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, so that the righteous requirement of the law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

Grace empowers you from within to walk in God’s righteousness. This is what the law sought to produce, but couldn’t.

The way Christians walk in God’s grace is by walking in the spirit. The spirit is where the grace of God is administered from (see Philemon 1:25, Gal 6:18, Phil 4:23).

What does it mean to walk in the spirit? Our main Bible text reveals one trait of those walking in the spirit.

Go into today walking in the spirit by readjusting your outlook and priorities to that of God’s kingdom.

Thank the Lord for His grace.

-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: I Chronicles 10-14
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016


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John 1:17 (NET)
For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came about through Jesus Christ.

Mr. Ade wanted to have his closest friendship with His child, but this could only happen when his child grows up. He was willing to wait.

Why is the law and grace put side by side in today’s Bible text? Because they came for the same purpose of making man walk in truth. But the law could not do this because man did not have the ability to keep it. The law ended up leaving man with the burden of guilt. This made him know he could never be righteous by his own strength.

Grace was given to help us walk in the righteousness of God. This righteousness is revealed as we walk from faith to faith, not from law to law. Because there are those who want to walk in grace, but fail because they try to do so with the old consciousness of law and sin.

What God wants in man is a relationship. One filled with mutual love. That is why I believe that before Adam and Eve sinned, God usually came to fellowship with them in the cool of the day (see Gen 3:8).

When you truly know and love God, you cannot but trust in Him, Love Him, and obey Him.

Using laws in your relationship with God only proves that you have not (grown to) truly know and love Him. Those who know and love God relate with Him in love, not with laws.

Believers who continue walking in the flesh do so because they are still spiritual babies who don’t care much about communing with the Father; they only care about what they can get.

Go into today knowing that the grace of God empowers you to walk in the love of God.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you know Him and walk in His love. Not yet saved? Click ☞
-Pas SD Abraham
YBP: Numbers 5-8

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016


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John 1:17 [NET]
For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came about through Jesus Christ.

God told Adam that if he ate from the tree of the knowledge of God good and evil, he would surely die(Gen 2:17). When Adam ate the fruit, he lost the life of God. He no longer could participate in the divine nature, and was now subject to death and corruption. We his descendants inherited this too.

Our spirits needed to be changed so we could receive the grace of God to empower us walk in God’s nature (Ezekiel 36:26). The word ‘born again’ is not a symbolic expression; it is something that happens literally to the spirit of everyone who receives Christ. The new birth is not a product of human will but of God’s will (see John 1:13).

This new birth is because of God’s unmerited favor. He gives us new spirits that He can indwell and supply the grace to help us walk in His divine nature. We need this grace because we have bodies of flesh that hinder us from this nature.

The law of God that came through Moses was to help man walk in God's truth (the reality and realm of God), but it failed because man was not able to obey it from his (corrupted) heart. Grace and truth has come through Jesus. Grace empowers us to walk in truth (God’s reality).

Go into today trusting in the grace of God to empower you walk more and more in the divine nature.

Thank the Lord for His love that makes you a partaker of His divine nature (2 Pet 1:2-4). Not yet saved? Tap ☞
-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: I Timothy 4-6

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Monday, August 22, 2016


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Eph 2:10[NIV]
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. We have been ordained by God unto Good works. We are not to continue in the dead works of the flesh.

What are good works? Good works are manifestations of the life of God within you. Don’t forget that there is no good outside of God. Jesus pointed this out when a man called Him 'good master' without understanding this (Luke 18:19).

Of your own accord and from the resources of your flesh, you can never do good works. You need to depend on the grace of God- the power of God at work within them that believe.

Who are those profitable servants in the kingdom? They are those who take advantage of the grace of God to do good works. There is someone reading this devotional that God has given grace to help build a global brand that will improve the lives of millions in the coming years. That grace is given to enable you do good works, but you can chose to walk in it by depending on Christ and glorifying Him.

We access and walk in grace by faith. We insist that our lives are tailored according to God’s word and nothing else. We hold onto God’s word and act according to it against all odds. Many times this is a fight; it is called the good fight of faith (see 1 Tim 6:12).

Go into today determining to let the Holy Ghost empower you to good works.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you overcome every doubt and unbelief inhibiting good works.
-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: John 5-6
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Sunday, August 21, 2016


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Jude 4 [NET]
For certain men have secretly slipped in among you- men who long ago were marked out for the condemnation I am about to describe - ungodly men who have turned the grace of our God into a license for evil and who deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. 

I heard an erroneous 'grace' doctrine that got me laughing. It says that when Eve ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden, she did not sin until Adam ate the fruit. That now we are in Christ (the last Adam), whatever we do (wrong) is not sin because Christ did not sin.

First and foremost, there is no single scriptural reference that supports the claim that eve did not sin when she ate the fruit. Secondly, that doctrine is not consistent with the teachings of Christ and the Apostles concerning sin (see Luke 1:4, 1 John 1:9, Mat 6:14, Gal 6:1).

One can infer from scripture(Rom 5:12) that if Adam did not eat the fruit after Eve did, sin would not have had dominion over mankind, and because of Adam's stature, he could have interceded for Eve. But one cannot say that Eve did not sin when she ate the forbidden fruit. As I said, there is no scripture to support that claim.
We are in Christ (the last Adam) and Christ did not sin, this means sin does not have dominion over anyone in Christ. But if we sin, because Christ intercedes for us, we get to be cleansed. That is why He ever lives to make intersession for us (see Rom 8:38, Heb 7:25).

Sin is a spiritual toxic substance that pollutes, it is spiritual venom that ultimately produces death (see 1 Cor 15:56). That is why there is need for it to be cleansed by the powerful blood of Jesus.

Go into today trusting in the permanent cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. Sin has no power over you!

Pray that God will expose every false teaching leading the saints astray. Not yet saved? Click ☞
-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Daniel 7-12
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Saturday, August 20, 2016


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Jude 4[NET]
For certain men have secretly slipped in among you- men who long ago were marked out for the condemnation I am about to describe - ungodly men who have turned the grace of our God into a license for evil and who deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Emeka and Lucky had a discussion concerning doctrines now becoming popular in the body of Christ. Lucky tried to use scriptures to establish his points, but could not find one Bible verse directly supporting them. He could only draw subjective inferences and stretch Bible teachings to ridiculous conclusions. All Emeka did was to simply present some New Testament verses that clearly shattered Lucky’s whole argument. These verses were so clear and direct that unlike Lucky, Emeka didn’t need to do much explaining.

We see in today's Bible text that propagators of perverted doctrines slipped in unnoticed. I have observed that false doctrines also slip in unnoticed. Such doctrines begin from a common premise of truth, but end up with inferences that disagree with the teachings of Christ, thereby producing fruits not consistent with the kingdom life. Sometimes, the problem is not in what is said; it is what is left unsaid.

How to know if your doctrine is wrong is by testing it with the written word. If what you believe makes the Bible contradict itself, your position is not accurate. If in order for you to prove your doctrinal position, you have to resort to rigorous logical dynamics; re-translate root words to more obscure meanings; ignore entire portions of the New Testament, and subjectively explain away two or more New Testament verses that directly contradict your position, your doctrine is one of error.

Go into today knowing that all scripture is inspired by the same Spirit (2 Tim 3:16). Wholesome spiritual understanding will bring it all together, not fragment it.
Ask the Lord to teach you His Word.
-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: Proverbs 17-18

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You are invited to the Streamglobe/Leaders World National Conference which comes up this Sept 16th-17th. In Lokoja, Nigeria. Guest Speaker: Dr Bankole Olusina (Pastor Bankie). REGISTER HERE:

Friday, August 19, 2016


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Jude 4 [NET]
For certain men have secretly slipped in among you- men who long ago were marked out for the condemnation I am about to describe - ungodly men who have turned the grace of our God into a license for evil and who deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Sola started getting uncomfortable with some doctrinal emphasis made in their church. First, there was the sound teaching about grace, then certain emphasis were made which inferred that God does not care about what we do, He only cares about what we believe. Later, teachings which inferred that no matter what Christians did, they cannot sin because they are now under grace and not under the law surfaced. As a result of these, Sin was redefined to mean self-righteousness. The pervading moral decline was now palpable.

Sola realized that he too started becoming quite careless with his spiritual life and was even now contemplating the sins he had long been delivered from. He was awakened to reality when his child took ill and he could not command the spiritual authority he once had.

The teachers who came into the church using twisted messages about grace to pervert the doctrine of Christ  are still very much around today. How do we know them? Their doctrines make you feel more like walking in the flesh than walking in the spirit. They engender self-centeredness and not Kingdom mindedness. They trivialize sin and tag righteousness as legalism. Their doctrines may appeal to the mind, but they starve the spirit of life. Because of these, over time, spiritual decline is perceived by those who have once enjoyed intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. All that is left is empty words with no power.

Go into today knowing that anywhere the kingdom of God is preached, righteousness promoted (see Rom 14:17, Mat 6:33).

Ask the Lord to deliver you from every doctrine that is not from Him.
-Pas SD Abraham.

YBP:Psalms 96-98
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