Tuesday, August 30, 2016


🔊Devotional Audio Here ☞ http://bit.ly/2bSiEIl
Rom 5:1 [NLT]
Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.

If you think you have been righteous without Christ's grace, compare your life to the standards of God’s law given by Moses. If after doing this, you still feel you have been righteous, understand that the version of God’s law given by Moses was actually toned-down because of the hardness of the heart men (see Mat 19:8). Take a look at the laws of the kingdom Jesus gave in Matthew 5-7, where He gives commandments like 'love your enemy' 'turn the other cheek', etc. I assure you, when you look at the law in its most pristine version; you will understand that it is not possible for mere flesh and blood to meet up to the standards of God’s righteousness.

We are not declared righteous because we meet up to the standard of God’s eternal law, we are declared righteous because of our faith in Christ Jesus.

It is because of this justification that we have access to God’s throne of grace where we can obtain mercy and find grace to help us walk in the righteousness of God (see Heb 4:16). Because of grace, it is now possible for us to walk in the righteousness of God. We do this because we no more walk in the flesh, but in the spirit.

Go into today knowing that because of Christ Jesus, you are righteous in the sight of God. Because of His grace, you will reach the mark for the prize of the high calling in God (see Philippians 3:14).
Ask the Lord to help you walk in the fullness of His grace for you.

-Pas Abraham SD Arigi

YBP: II Timothy 1-2

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