Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Serving God

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Matt 6:24 [NASB]
24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Pastor Emeka got to a point under the light of God's word that he realized he had been serving mammon all the while he thought he was serving God in the ministry. It was quite scary for him when he realized he had wasted 13 years of his life pursuing vanity and having no mark in the kingdom of God.
When a person serves the Lord for the purpose of financial gain, and not fully for the purpose of advancing the kingdom, he is in the trap of mammon without knowing it.
I have come to realize that the service of mammon is very subtle and may appear absolutely legitimate to the unrenewed mind, but it is the greatest threat to our service of God and standing in His kingdom. It poses more threat than Satan. In fact, most people who knowingly work for Satan do so because he promises them mammon, they don’t serve him because they love him.
Natural civilized life is built around serving mammon because money is needed for most basic needs, it is quite difficult discerning if our lives are stirred in the direction of serving God or serving mammon. One thing is clear though, you cannot do both- you cannot serve God and serve mammon. You can only serve one of them.
Go into today knowing that the only way to be sure you are not serving mammon is to be sure you are serving God. Aside from consciously serving God, there is no way out of serving mammon and living a life that will be vanity from an eternal perspective. Ask the Lord to help you serve Him only (Luke 4:8).
-Pas SD Abraham
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