Saturday, August 13, 2016


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Rev 2:10 [NLT]
…But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life.
The sole purpose God saved us by grace is not so that we will miss hell. The purpose of our salvation is so that we will become sons of God in the likeness of Christ (see Rom 8:29. Eph 1:5, Heb 2:10, 2 Cor 3:18). This means God’s will is for us to reign with Christ and shine like the stars forevermore (see Dan 12:3, 2 Tim 2:12, Rev 5:10). We will have crowns (which signify kingship) and we will rule the universe with the Lord as kings and Lords (see Rev 17:14).

When a man dies before his time, he has been cut short because he has been hindered from the possible opportunity to fulfill a divine destiny that would have warranted a crown (that signifies eternal dominion). When a person accepts Christ on his death bed, he will go to heaven, but will not receive the crown of life that God promises for those who have been faithful to death (see Rev 2:10).
Unfortunately, it is not everyone who goes to heaven that will rule with Christ. It is the overcomers that will rule with Christ. They are the kings and the Lords. They are the called, and chosen, and faithful (see Rev 17:14b).

Unfortunately, many are called, but few are chosen (Mat 22:14).
It is not everyone in the kingdom of God that will be great in the kingdom. In Matthew 5:19, Jesus gives us insight into those who will be great in the kingdom.

The grace of God saves us and empowers us to fulfill our destinies in God. It teaches us Godliness, without which we cannot do this (see Titus 2:11).

Go into today with a kingdom mindset. Ask the Lord to help you set your affections on the things above.
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-Pas SD Abraham
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