Monday, August 15, 2016


🔊Devotional Audio Here ☞

Luke 19:16-17[NLT]
The first servant reported, 'Master, I invested your money and made ten times the original amount!' 17 "'Well done!' the king exclaimed. 'You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward.'

Please Read: Luke 19:11-26

In explaining the kingdom of God, Jesus gave the parable in the preceding verses of today’s Bible text. In the parable, some servants were entrusted with money to do business for their master. When their master returned, he rewarded then based on their faithfulness.

We have been called to God’s kingdom. The gospel you received is rightfully called 'The Gospel of The Kingdom' (see Mat 24:14) because God saves you from destruction and brings you into His kingdom.

The problem is that many Christians are not kingdom minded. Some believe that the sole reason why God saved them was to escape them from hell. They don’t realize that God has expectations from us. These expectations are called fruits in John 15, Mat 13.

The grace of God is what we need to successfully fulfill God's assignments for our lives in this side of eternity. In the parable above, the king rewarded his servants by giving them territories to rule. King Jesus would reward His faithful servants by giving us crowns and territories to rule (see James 1:12).

We are people on assignment. We have an agenda to fill this earth with the Gospel of the Kingdom and bring disciples to Christ (see Mat 28:18-20). Our ranking in God’s kingdom is ultimately dependent on how fruitful we are.

Depending on God's grace is the only way we can be fruitful and fulfill our glorious destinies in God.

As you go into today, ask the Lord to help you fully depend on His grace.
-Pas SD Abraham

YBP: John 3-4

You are invited to the Streamglobe/Leaders World National Conference which comes up this Sept 16th-17th. In Lokoja, Nigeria. Guest Speaker : Dr Bankole Olusina (Pastor Bankie). REGISTER HERE:

BBM: 58FC6299
WhatsApp: +2348034420524

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