Friday, August 26, 2016


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Rom 6:14 [KJV]
14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Abdul became a Christian when he was in the university, but because of his religious background, it was quite hard for him to fully understand the grace of God and walk in it. He struggled with certain lusts that now appeared to have dominion over him.

When he talked to his pastor about this, by the help of the Holy Spirit, his pastor found out the reason Abdul was still under the dominion of sin. It was because Abdul was not walking under grace but under the law. His pastor started teaching him the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The way out of sin’s dominion is walking under grace.

Remember, we have seen yesterday that the way to walk under grace is by walking in the Spirit (see Rom 8:4). Grace is administered to your spirit by the Holy Ghost within you.

What does it mean to be under the law? It means you are controlled and directed by laws. The Jews who lived under the law were controlled by the dictates of the law.

What does it mean to be under grace? It means embracing God’s unconditional love for you and letting His Spirit control you by walking in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who supplies grace to your spirit.

Go into today filled with grace by walking in the love of God and the sweet fellowship the Holy Spirit within you (see 2 Cor 13:14). Christians sin because they lose this sweet communion. This communion engenders increased knowledge of God that multiplies grace (see 2 Pet 1:2).

Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you have unending communion with Him all the days of your life. Not yet saved? Click ☞
-Pas SD Abraham
YBP: Psalms 99-101

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