Thursday, September 22, 2016


🔊Audio Version☞
Romans 14:17 [AMP]
The kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Because of her very influential and powerful political office, Daramola knew she could greatly advance the cause of God's kingdom and righteousness. She knew that Insisting that everyone under her prays Christian prayers is not the way to advance the kingdom, except you are led to do so.

As a kingdom agent of righteousness, Daramola made sure that the many government organizations under her influence were rid of all traces of corruption. She did this because she understood the principle of righteousness and prosperity (Prov 14:34), and she herself was blameless.

The next thing she did was to instill justice and equity. She did this because she realized this was the key to lasting peace in any society. She fought for pensioners who had no one to fight for them in the former corrupt system.

Thirdly, she went out of her way to make the people happy and contented. She introduced programs to better the lives of the lower class in the society. She did all these while excellently executing other administrative duties.

Even though Daramola didn’t do anything that seemed spiritual to many, her tenure advanced the kingdom of God in that territory greatly.

Tomorrow, we shall look at the spiritual implications of the things she did.

Go into today knowing that righteousness is a product of the advancement of God’s kingdom. And unrighteousness and corruption is a product of the advancement of darkness. Ask the Lord to empower you to be an agent of righteousness. Not yet saved? Click ☞
-Pas Abraham SD

YBP: II Chronicles 1-5

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