Thursday, September 15, 2016


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Ephesians 4:8 (NET)
Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he captured captives; he gave gifts to men.”

Gifts and callings usually go together (see Rom 11:29). God gives us gifts to help us fulfill our calling or assignment. For example, there are prophetic gifts, and any child of God could have them. But anyone with the calling to be a prophet will definitely have certain prophetic gifts operating in his life consistently.
 What then is the assignment of a prophet? It is to profess, declare and allow the counsel and will of God over people and territories. The ability to tell the future is a gift that a prophet usually possesses, but that is not the primary calling or assignment of a prophet. A prophet brings deliverance to people and to territories, and a prophet ushers in the agenda of God into territories. It is possible to have the calling of a prophet and not walk in all of the popular prophetic gifts. A calling is an assignment, but gifts are simply given to help you fulfill your assignment. Notice that John the Baptist, the great prophet of the old covenant, never walked in many of the prophetic gifts some would expect (see John 10:41). But he was the great prophet because he fulfilled one of the greatest assignments in the Old covenant. This calling was to make way for Christ the Lord- The greatest (see Matt 3:1-3).

What is most important in life is that you fulfill your kingdom assignment. Your assignment should direct the use of your gifts, and not the other way round.

Go into today knowing that for your calling in life, God gives gifts that will help you fulfill it.

Ask the Lord to help you fulfill your calling and assignment in this side of eternity. Ask Him to help you activate the gifts that may be lying dormant in you (see 1 Tim 4:14). Not yet saved? Click ☞
-Pas Abraham SD 

YBP: I Chronicles 25-29

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Streamglobe National Conference begins tomorrow. Don’t miss out. Speaker: Pastor Bankie. Time:4pm. @ Holy Faith Bible Church, Opp 1st gate, Lokongoma Phase 2, Lokoja, Nigeria.
Streamlgobe is interdenominational

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