Saturday, September 17, 2016


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Ephesians 4:9 (AMP) 
Now what can this, He ascended, mean but that He had previously descended from heaven into , the lower parts of the earth?

The unbelieving scribes and Pharisees wanted Jesus to give them a sign or miracle. But Jesus said the following:" For even as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth"[Matthew 12:40 (AMP)] .

Jesus descended to the lower parts of the earth. This is also known as the heart of the earth, where hades is said to be (Many call this the underworld). Jesus descended there when he died. He was there for three days and three nights. While he was there, He conquered Satan and all his principalities and powers, and made a public show of them as he ascended (see Col 2:15). They are now His captives, and He is now ruler over them. That’s why they must tremble at His name. This is why after He resurrected, He said all 'authority in heaven and on earth has been given unto me'.

Christians that are still oppressed by the power of Satan usually suffer because they lack spiritual knowledge and understanding of the current day spiritual reality.

Jesus descended to conquer the power of Satan over mankind. This means Satan has no power over any man in Christ.

Go into today knowing that your Lord has plundered the depths of darkness. That same spirit that was at work in Him dwells in you right now.

Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into the truth of who Jesus really is. Thank the Lord for His glorious grace. Not yet saved? Click
-Pas Abraham SD Arigi

YBP: Proverbs 23-24
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STREAMGLOBE NATIONAL CONFERENCE IS ONGOING. Speaker: Pastor Bankie. Time:9am&4pm@Holy Faith Bible Church, Opp 1st gate, Lokongoma Phase 2, Lokoja, Nigeria.

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