Monday, September 19, 2016


🔊Audio Version☞
Ephesians 4:11 (AMP)
And His gifts were some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers.

Eze realized that he had the ability and the anointing to teach God’s word. But he didn’t want to rush to be a teacher because he wanted to be sure he was called to do so. He now knew he was called when he became restless and felt unfulfilled because he was not teaching. He also had encounters with God and sensed the Lord instructing him to teach His people.

Any student that has been properly taught will also be able to teach. If you grow up under a prophet, his prophetic gifts might rub on you. This is because of a transfer of grace, and because you will naturally desire to walk in the gifts you see in the life of your teacher. And we can receive spiritual gifts by simply desiring them and asking God. But the fact that a Christian has prophetic gifts does not mean he is a prophet. The fact that he is well taught and can also teach does not mean he is called to be a teacher.

One of the ways you discern your calling is discerning the grace of God upon you to operate in a particular office. This grace will come with a conviction and a knowing that you are to operate there. And may become restless and feel unfulfilled if you don’t. The gifts accompanying that calling will also be present in your life consistently.

A man with a calling is hardly persuaded and encouraged to do the work. The fire burns in his bones to do the work. He creates opportunities if the opportunity has not been created for him.

Go Into today asking the Lord to help you fulfill your calling in Him. Not yet saved? Click
-Pas Abraham SD
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