Monday, September 12, 2016


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John 14:6 [KJV]
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 

There was a time I fasted and prayed for many days because I wanted more revelation of God. My prayer was that God the Father should reveal Himself to me. I had spent many days praying this prayer until one day, I got a revelation from John 14:6. There Jesus says HE IS THE WAY. This means if you want to see the Father, you must go after the Son (Jesus).

In Matthew 11:27, Jesus says "All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; NEITHER KNOWETH ANY MAN THE FATHER, SAVE THE SON, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him".

As mighty and powerful as the Old Testament saints were, they did not know God as father. They did not reveal the father to us, only Jesus the Son did.

No man under the law had a (perfect) revelation of The Father (God). You cannot look at the Old Testament saints and prophets to get a picture of The Father, where you must look is the SON. He is the express image of God's person (see Heb 1:3).

Readers, Go after Jesus and let Him reveal The Father to you. Grace is multiplied to you more as God is revealed to you more(see 2 Pet 1:2). Jesus makes this possible: For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ(John 1:17).

Go into today knowing that because of Christ Jesus, God is your loving Father. Thank God for making you His child. Not born again? click:
-Lanre Tobi

YBP: John 13-15
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Attend Streamglobe National Conference. Speaker: Pastor Bankie. Date: Fri 16th –Sat 17th Sept. Click here for more details and Conference Registrations:
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