Sunday, October 2, 2016


🔊Audio Version with Audio Bible ☞
Ephesians 4:17 [AMP] 
So this I say and solemnly testify in the Lord , that you must no longer live as the heathen (the Gentiles) do in their perverseness of their minds.

Even though Drake believed in the gospel and accepted the forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ Jesus, he was still living the way he lived when he was an atheist. With time, he found that his faith in Christ was now fading away, and he was back to struggling with thoughts about the existence of God.

No one can believe the gospel and receive the Holy Spirit except by faith. The problem with walking constantly in the old nature of sin is that sin gradually extinguishes faith by deadening spiritual sensitivity (see Eph 4:18).

Apart from being born with a spirit that cannot partake in the divine nature, what makes people sinners is the sinful and [spiritually] perverse mindset that they inevitably receive from the world.

We see in today’s Bible text that we must no longer live in the perverseness of the mind. When a person becomes born again, he must allow the word of God change the way he thinks; this is the remedy for the perverse mind. The words of Christ purify our minds (see John 15:3).

It is by the hearing of God's word that we received the [initial] faith that made us believe unto salvation (see Rom 10:17), it is by continuing in it that we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This is when we can become fruitful children of God. For God has ordained us into fruitfulness (see John 15:16).

Go into today knowing that the way to fruitfulness in the kingdom of God is by allowing the Holy Spirit change the way you think. Ask the Lord to help you build your life on His word (see Mat 7:24)
-Pas Abraham SD

YBP: Obadiah

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