Sunday, November 6, 2016


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Gen 1:1-3 [KJV]
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

In today's text, we see that after the creation of the heaven and the earth, the earth was void and without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep. One could ask: why would the earth be in this state when God was there? Darkness lingered even as the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The earth's situation stayed the same even though God was fully present. This is the same situation many Christians face today and keep asking: how can this be happening to me a child of God? We have seen situations where ancestral curses seem to be in the lives of believers. But the Bible declares that we are no more under bondage, we have been translated out of the Kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Christ. so what went wrong?

Notice that in Gen 1:3 God said LET THERE BE LIGHT: and there was light. The light did not come until God spoke. The earth was re-ordered and framed because God spoke (see Heb 11:3).

God has given us His children that mandate to speak and call forth things that should be. If there is a situation in your life or family, don't keep quiet but declare by faith what God’s word says. You have to constantly speak that which you want to see happen in your life. For with thy mouth, confession is made unto salvation (Rom 10:10). That's why God told Joshua that this book of the law shall not depart out of his mouth (see Joshua 1:8).

Go into today knowing that that unpleasant circumstance will change when you begin to speak LIGHT into it according to God's word.
- Bishopkaro

YBP:Psalms 125-127
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