Saturday, November 5, 2016


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Jer 17:11[NLT]
11 Like a partridge that hatches eggs she has not laid, so are those who get their wealth by unjust means. At midlife they will lose their riches; in the end, they will become poor old fools.

Making money from Ponzi schemes, gambling, or embezzling public funds (if you are in government) are common unjust ways people make money today.

Any business transaction in which both parties do not gain something is an unjust transaction. For example, if I sell you a commodity, I will lose it but will have gained the money. You will lose your money but will have gained the commodity. We both gained something. But Something is wrong if I alone gained.

When you buy shares of a productive company, you make a profit because the company makes a profit and is becoming more valuable, not because people are losing their money. That is a just way to make gains.

There is nothing as dangerous as ignorance for Christians. Unfortunately, in the spirit realm, ignorance is not an excuse. When a Christian gets involved in businesses that only generate profit from other people’s loss, he has participated in a business that thrives only on greed. Such businesses are really not different in spiritual principle from gambling.

There is nothing that scares the devil like when real Christians are controlling real wealth in this world. He understands that this means greater influence for God’s kingdom on the earth. He wants Christians to be lured into Get-rich-quick schemes so that they will lose their power to make real enduring wealth.

Go into today asking the Lord to empower you to walk in His spiritual wisdom and understanding in all things. Ask Him to deliver you from the Love of money and help you love righteousness and hate wickedness (see Heb 1:9).
-Pas Abraham
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YBP: II Chronicles 29-32

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