Saturday, November 12, 2016


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Rom 8:4 [AMP]
So that the righteous and just requirement of the Law might be fully met in us who live and move not in the ways of the flesh but in the ways of the Spirit [our lives governed not by the standards and according to the dictates of the flesh, but controlled by the Holy Spirit].

Just imagine that someone is required to travel from his village to the city, but the only way he knows to do so is by trekking. He begins to trek. His master who loves him buys him brand new shoes with which to trek. But as it becomes clear that he can’t make it to the city by trekking, his master buys him a car and teaches him to drive. He gets to his destination because of this.

The law can be likened to the pair of shoes given to the person to aid him. But God knows that even with the law, it was impossible for man to meet the requirements of His truth and reality. The ultimate purpose of these requirements was that man should walk in love for God and love for his neighbors. This physical conformity to God’s nature of love was the only way that man could accommodate God’s glory in his fallen nature. We see in the old testament that a little willingness to conform to the righteousness of God brought great prosperity to the people of Israel. But it was ultimately impossible for man to do this in truth. Therefore God sent Christ to help us by His Spirit.

Go into today remembering that anyone who is in Christ will be free from the power of sin and free to walk in the Spirit. When a person walks in the spirit, he is walking in the righteousness of God, he is walking in love, he is walking in the blessing. Ask the Lord to help you walk in the Spirit always.
-Pas Abraham

YBP: II Chronicles 33-36

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