Sunday, January 29, 2017


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2 Cor 8:9 [NET]
9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although he was rich, he became poor for your sakes, so that you by his poverty could become rich.

In every human society, there is a level of respect rich people command that poor people do not. What many do not know is that it is also so in the spirit realm. There is a level of spiritual riches a person will have that he will command great respect in the realm of the spirit. These are people whose words are powerful in that realm (see Acts 19:15).

The riches of Christ are true riches. The riches of this world cannot compare to it. Anyone who has the riches of Christ is rich indeed. It means even on this earth, his riches in glory can speak for him. But anyone who only has riches in this world is spiritually wretched (see Rev 3:17). The smallest demon can make his life miserable and rob him of everything he has in a matter of days.

Although Jesus was rich, for your sake He became poor, so that through His poverty He could make you rich. This is a function of grace. Those who will receive the riches that Christ brings are those who know His grace (see 2 Cor 8:9). The grace of the Lord is a spiritual substance that empowers people from the inner man ( see Phil 1:25, Gal 6:18). It is the reason why Christians can resist sin; it takes away the appetite for sin. It is the reason why a nonentity in life can become somebody. This same power can make you rich indeed.

Go into today knowing that the secret to your spiritual and physical wealth is knowledge of Christ’s grace. This grace is supplied to your spirit by the Holy Spirit living within you.

Prayer: Ask that grace will be multiplied to you from today (see 2 Pet 1:2).
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-Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Psalms 9-11
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