Tuesday, February 28, 2017


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John 17:17 (KJV)
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Fabian: Pastor, I don’t think I can ever be holy like you. I have been bad all my life. I have never loved anyone. My heart is full of immorality and I can’t help it. I am selfish, that’s how I’ve been for as long as I can remember. I don’t know how to make myself become holy.

Pastor: you are not the one who will sanctify yourself, God is the one who will sanctify you and make you holy. He sanctifies you through His truth.

The reason why you were unholy is because there are many things you believe that are not true; they are not God’s truth. As soon as you begin to believe and walk in God’s truth, it will sanctify you and make you Holy. God’s word is truth.

Fabian: I do not understand, sir.

Pastor: for example, one of the reasons you have not been able to conquer sin is because you believe it is impossible for you to conquer sin. Even though that was your reality as an unbeliever, now that you have received Christ, God’s truth is that you have power over sin. If you believe this truth, you will see the manifestation of this power in your life.

The more you align with God’s truth, the more holy you become. They way God sanctifies us is by His truth. His word is truth, it washes us from our filthiness and makes us clean.

Go into today knowing that the way to walk in holiness is not by depending on new rules, it is by feeding your spirit aggressively with the word of God. The Word changes the way you think and changes the way you behave.
Prayer: Father, sanctify me by your truth. Amen.
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-Pst SD Abraham

Yearly Bible Plan: Isaiah 40-44

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Monday, February 27, 2017


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1 Thessalonians 4:7 [NET]
Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that could defile the body and the spirit, and thus accomplish holiness out of reverence for God

As soon as Joe started relating closely with the Lord, he realized that sin became foreign to his system. Even unwholesome jokes became a serious issue when Joe became more conscious of the Holy Spirit. This consciousness made him more sensitive to the mood of the Holy Spirit, and he knew when the Holy Spirit was not pleased with something he wanted to do or say before he did it. Joe observed that he grew in spiritual might and power as he became more conscious of the Holy Spirit.

When a Christian is not conscious of walking in his holy nature, it is because he has little reverence for the Holy Spirit. We can deduce from today’s Bible verse that walking in holiness is an act of reverence for God. Many people do not grow in fellowship and power with God, not because they do not have sufficient faith, but because they do not walk in reverence for the Holy Spirit within them. This manifests in the way they live without considering holiness.

Because God wants us to be holy, He has empowered us to be holy. Everyone born of God has the seed of God in him, and this means he has the ability to be Holy if he yields to the spirit and not to the flesh.

One thing that takes away from Christians the strength to be holy is unrighteous company.

Go into today asking for a closer walk with God. Ask to walk in more reverence for the Lord.
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-Pst SD Abraham

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YBP: Job 15-16
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Sunday, February 26, 2017


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2 Corinthians 7:1 (KJV)
Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Deola observed that every time she spent quality time with her friends, she would drain her spiritual strength and faith, and this manifested in loss of appetite for prayer and the word, loss of spiritual strength to resist temptations, etc. Even though her friends were unbelievers, they never discussed anything unholy and immoral. Deola did not know that merely fellowshipping with unbelievers was affecting her spirit negatively, regardless of what they discussed.

Fellowshipping with unbelievers does not happen by merely interacting with them, it happens when you share the deep contents and intents of your heart, it is engendered by a feeling of togetherness and oneness with them (being unequally yoked).

If you read the verses before today’s Bible text, you will see that the discussion was about Christians separating themselves from the world because we are the temple of God -God lives in us. Unbelievers are temples of idols because God does not live in them but idols.

What defiles the spirit is from within; things like hatred, pride, malice, etc. What defiles the flesh is usually from outside. It is a result of ‘touching an unclean thing’ (see 2 Cor 6:17). Defilement of flesh leads to defilement of spirit (the windows to your spirit are in your flesh). A defiled spirit will lack the boldness to fellowship with God and receive grace for life and godliness.

We see from scripture that interacting with pagan temples has the ability to defile [the flesh] because such temples are unclean (see Acts 15:20). Fellowship with unbelievers defiles the flesh because unbelievers are also such temples.

Go into today asking the Lord to keep you from all defilement and help you to be holy.
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- Pst SD Abraham
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YBP: Psalms 21-23
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Saturday, February 25, 2017


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2 Corinthians 7:1 (KJV)
Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Lucy was going through a season in her life that she was not certain of the future, and she was becoming very depressed and fearful for the future. She knew she could not allow herself remain fearful and depressed because she knew depression and fear are faith killers and door openers to other forms of spiritual defilements. She tried fighting the fear with her will, but she failed each and every time. She asked the Holy Spirit to help, and immediately she remembered that the way to resist evil thoughts is by confessing the word of God and replacing each of those thoughts with what God has said concerning her. That was what she did and gained her freedom, grew in grace, and walked in her glorious destiny.

Pride, fear, malice, hatred, heaviness, and lusts are the things that defile the spirit. They also lead to the defilement of the flesh, even though the flesh can be defiled without the spirit being defiled (we shall see this tomorrow).

Many times, evil and unclean thoughts are sent from the realm of darkness against saints because the enemy knows that if saints do not resist such thoughts, they will be defiled by them. This is the reason why we have been instructed by the Lord to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it proceeds the issues of life (see Proverbs 4:23). One effective way to guard your heart is by guarding your thoughts, and resisting evil, unclean, and negative thoughts (see Phil 4:8).

 Go into today dispelling every thought of fear and anxiety with the word of God. Do not just think the word, confess it until it until it changes what you believe.
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-Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Judges 12-16
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Friday, February 24, 2017


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1 Thessalonians 5:23 (ESV)
Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sharon would say, “It is my flesh that committed that sin, my spirit is holy and cannot sin”. Even though this sounds ludicrous, Sharon was correct to an extent, but she was fundamentally very wrong because man is not judged for what his spirit did or what his flesh did. Man is judged for what he did. Whether it was your flesh that committed the sin or it was your spirit, you committed the sin.

A sin like hatred is never really committed by the flesh, but by the spirit. It is a defilement of the spirit that ultimately leads to defilement of the flesh when blood is in the hand of the hater because of murder. That is the same with the sin of malice that leads to hatred, and can ultimately lead to murder.

It is very important to note that God does not look at the body, but at the heart when he is dealing with man. Every uncleanliness that is manifested in the flesh is because the seed was left to grow in the heart. Immorality is a very good example. No one just falls into immorality without the seed of lust allowed to grow in his heart.

The old covenant saints only knew how to sanctify the body, their spirits were as unclean as they could be, that was why it was possible for them to hate and kill Jesus.

Go into today remembering that the Lord has done what you could never do. He has sanctified your spirit and this is the reason you can fellowship with the father and receive grace for the sanctification of soul and the body.
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-Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Genesis 28-31
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Thursday, February 23, 2017


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Gen 18:1-2 (NIV)
The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. 2 Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground.

While growing up as a child, I learned from this story that it is good to be hospitable and to attend to strangers charitably. But I always wondered how Abraham could identify these men as special.

'How do I know who to attend to because I cannot possibly attend to every stranger I see the same way, especially these days that there are many wicked people looking for whom to prey on. How do I not miss out on special visitations like that of Abraham? How do I not miss out of God’s timing for my visitation?'

One thing we can say about Abraham was that he walked in the presence of God. Abraham was the most conscious person of the Lord God in his generation, and because of this, he could hear from God and walk before God.

We see in Rev 1:10 that on the day of the Lord, John was in the Spirit and he heard the Lord. We can infer that for us to be able to look up and see or hear like Abraham and John did, we must be in the presence of the Lord.

Go into today knowing that if you will remain in the presence of the Lord long enough, God will speak to you. Whenever God appears or speaks; He solves a problem.

Pray for grace to ALWAYS dwell in the presence of the Lord.
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-Dr James Emmanuel 

YBP: Romans 15-16
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Wednesday, February 22, 2017


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1 Thessalonians 4:3 (ESV)
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality.

Benji had accepted Christ, but he needed to be sanctified unto the Lord if he was going to go the distance with the Lord. Because he was not sanctified, nor was he ready for this, it seemed impossible for him to even receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

When some believe, they lay everything on the altar. They want to go the distance with the Lord and are willing to leave all and follow the Lord. The Lord sees their willingness and baptizes them [in the Holy Spirit] to empower them to do what they now have the will to do, but have no power of their own to do. However, there are many others that even though they believe in the Lord Jesus, they are not willing to go the distance with the Lord yet. They still carry some weights that they are not willing to drop. It would be difficult for such to even receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is too big to share you with another.

There is nothing that hinders sanctification like sexual immorality. Anyone still desiring to continue in immorality cannot go the distance with the Lord. And he may wonder why the Holy Spirit does not respond to him accordingly.

Sanctification means that you have decided to surrender everything that is contrary to the will of Christ your Lord. These include unholy relationships and friendships, habits, desires, worldly ambitions affections, etc. When the will is there, the Holy Spirit comes to empower you.

Go into today remembering that you cannot walk in the fullness of your divine destiny without sanctification.
Ask the Lord to sanctify you through and through (see 1 Thes 5:23).
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- Pst SD Abraham

Matthew 17-19
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


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Prov 21:3 (NLT)
The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.

Gideon was one of the many lawyers newly recruited in the renowned law firm. This firm became popular because they won very difficult cases. After working with this firm for about a month, Gideon discovered that the firm had won those difficult cases because they gave bribe. Gideon went to Paul, who was a church Elder and asked him for his opinion about bribery. “How is that your concern? All I do is pay my tithe regularly, give good offerings, give to the needy and even sponsor big projects in church” This was Paul’s response. After struggling with his conscience for a while, Gideon resorted to consoling himself that he can now help many people and give fat offerings in church.

The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just, than when we offer Him sacrifices. When King Saul disobeyed God’s commandment and offered God animals for sacrifice instead, God rejected him and his sacrifice (see 1 Samuel 15:22).

Many Christians today are committed to tithing, giving offerings, attending church meetings and doing other good deeds but have neglected righteousness and justice. They have chased money so much that they can no longer heed the truth. This is the reason why many do not have power with God.

Go into today knowing that God’s standard of righteousness and justice has not changed. It is only when this has been met that your sacrifices, gifts and good works become acceptable.
Pray for the grace to please God in all things.
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-Dr. James Emmanuel.

YBP: Isaiah 34-39
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Monday, February 20, 2017


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1 Corinthians 3:15 (NET)
If someone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss. He himself will be saved, but only as through fire.

When Tobin saw in a dream that she had been building with hay since the day she started doing ministry work, she was very disturbed because she had just read in a book how that the Lord will judge our work, and those whose works are tried by fire and get burned will not be rewarded. She knew she was saved, but she did not want all her effort in the kingdom to amount to nothing. She started asking the Lord what was wrong with the way she was serving Him. It did not take her time to realize that the Lord was not pleased with the direction her ministry was going. She was more interested in healing people and making a name than in saving souls and making a convert. Her members knew her and feared her more than they knew and feared the Lord. She also realized that the desire to gather more money was now her driving force in ministry.

She decided to go on a retreat and seek the face of the Lord for the direction she would go in righting the wrongs in the way she was building her ministry.

Like Tosin, many have been warned by the Lord concerning the way they are building, but some ignore such warnings and despise the people through whom such warnings come. The Lord is good and He would not allow any of His servants to continue to build wrongly without sending a word of warning and correction.

Go into today remembering that one of the greatest hindrances to acceptable service in God's kingdom is when the love of money comes in.

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- Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Job 13-14
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Sunday, February 19, 2017


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1 Corinthians 3:9, 13-14 (NET)
We are coworkers belonging to God. You are God’s field, God’s building. 

Each builder’s work will be plainly seen, for the Day will make it clear, because it will be revealed by fire. And the fire will test what kind of work each has done. If what someone has built survives, he will receive a reward.

It is going to be very painful on that day for some because they will realize that all their lives work here on earth has amounted to nothing and they will not be rewarded. It will be particularly painful because they will see others receive their reward and placed in higher levels than them in the eternal kingdom.

We will be rewarded with authority and crowns. We will be given territories to govern because princes govern territories. I believe that the size of your territory will be determined by the size of your reward. We know that the twelve apostles of the lamb will be given the choicest part of the His [earthly] kingdom to govern. They will rule from the headquarters (Jerusalem) with the Lord (see Mat 19:28, Rev 21:14). The rest of the world, and indeed the universe, will be to the rest of us to rule. We will inherit it all because all that Christ inherits is ours. We are joint heirs with the Lord.

What makes a person’s work here on earth not to survive if tested on that day is if the work is of inferior quality. We saw yesterday that what makes your kingdom work of superior quality is the degree to which it brings and converts people to Christ. Many people have built their ministries around themselves and forgotten that they are only servants, and the people do not belong to them. The kingdom of God is centered on Christ; He is the foundation and also the chief cornerstone.

Go into today remembering that your kingdom work here on earth will determine your kingdom ranking for eternity.
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- Pst SD Abraham
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YBP: Psalms 18-20
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Saturday, February 18, 2017


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1 Cor 3:11-12
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have—Jesus Christ. 12 Anyone who builds on that foundation may use a variety of materials—gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay, or straw.

Tosin believed that God had called her to minister healing to the sick. She had the spiritual gift of healing and manifestation of the prophetic, and her ministry was all about her spiritual gifts. However, unfortunately, she would minister healing to many sick people without bringing them to the knowledge of Christ. Even the believers who were in her ministry were not growing to become more like Christ. Because there were more and more people showing up every week, Tosin believed she was building accordingly, but one day she had a dream and saw that she had been building with hay since the day she started ministry.

Jesus Christ is the foundation of our faith. We cannot be Christians without Christ. Our goal as Christians is to become like Christ. As we grow spiritually, we grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ.

Any kingdom work you do cannot count if it is not built on the foundation of Christ. This means in the final analysis, everything your ministry seeks to establish is Christ in the lives of people- That Christ may be formed them (see Gal 4:19).

Whatever your vision may be in ministry, never forget that it must be about Christ- it must be about people growing and becoming more like Christ. It must be about establishing the Lordship and righteousness of Christ everywhere. It must never be about anything else (see 1 Cor 2:1-2).

The more Christ-centric a ministry is, the more precious the material used by the builder (minister).

Go into today asking the Lord to help you build with gold and precious materials.
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- Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Judges 7-11
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Friday, February 17, 2017


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Ephesians 3:12 (NLT)
Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence.

When Nonso heard the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, he realized that the reason he could approach God was not because he did what was right but because he had faith in Christ Jesus. This faith made him have unlimited access to God’s throne, and there he received grace to do what was right. He was now a righteous person from within and no longer the actor he had been all his life.

Unknown to him, the biggest temptation he was facing was the temptation to start thinking that his access to God will now be because of his righteous works, and no more because of his faith.

God’s presence is the air your born again spirit breaths. Life becomes miserable outside of it. Sin becomes a lifestyle outside of the grace supplied through it. Any Christian who thinks his access pass to God's presence is by anything other than his faith in Christ will live a miserable life.

The devil will always try to keep you from God’s presence because he knows he does not stand a chance against you if you dwell in God’s presence. The devil’s most potent weapon for keeping us away from God’s presence is by tempting us to sin, and accusing us and making us feel God has rejected us and we no more have access to Him. If we believe the devil’s lie, we lose our boldness to fellowship with God. Many Christians fall for this and suffer because of this ignorance.

Go into today remembering that if you still have faith in Christ, you still have unhindered access to the Father. Running away from His presence is not the way to get clean, running to His presence when we feel dirty is the way to get clean.
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- Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Genesis 24-27
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Thursday, February 16, 2017


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1 Corinthians 2:12 (NKJV)
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

When Dorcas was first baptized in the Holy Spirit, she thought the only reason the Holy was given to her was for her to speak in tongues, and because of this, she was only conscious of the Holy Spirit whenever she felt she needed to speak in tongues. She had a very limited Spiritual life.

Unfortunately, many Christians have unconsciously become like Dorcas. They think that all the Holy Spirit was given for was for us to walk in spiritual gifts.

But we see in today's Bible text that the Holy Spirit was given that we might know the things free given to us. What we know influences what we believe, and what we believe influences our eternal destinies. The Holy spirit is our teacher, he guides us into all truth (see John 16:13).

One reason why it appears that many Christians do not hear the Holy Spirit teaching and leading them is because they do not have enough of the word of God in their hearts. The Holy spirit leads to us by activating truths of God’s word that we have previously received in our hearts. The written word is the vocabulary of the Spirit.

For a person who only knows very few words in English, communicating with him in English will be very difficult because you will be constrained to very few words that may not be able to express what you want to say. Many Christians do not hear much from the Spirit because they have a very limited Spiritual vocabulary. The more of God’s truth you know, the more spiritual vocabulary you have, and the more easily you will be led by the Spirit.

Go into today determining to build your spiritual vocabulary by feasting on God's word. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth.
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- Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Romans 13-14
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Wednesday, February 15, 2017


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1 Corinthians 2:8 (NKJV)
[Wisdom] Which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Nkechi was very crafty and had greatly advanced in worldly wisdom. She always got what she wanted and knew how to manipulate everyone around her. But the day she started dealing closely with Tracy, the dimension of wisdom that Tracy displayed made her look very foolish. Nkechi also found that it was impossible for her to manipulate Tracy.

Tracy was a child of God who knew how to walk in her divine wisdom freely available in Christ.

One of the things in the secret of God is His wisdom. Divine wisdom is only available to those who are sons of God. This highest level of wisdom can never be accessed by people who are not sons of God, no matter how great they may be in this present world. Ephesian 3:10 reveals that through the church, God intends to show forth this wisdom to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms.

Divine wisdom is the portion of every born again child of God, but many do not walk in it because they do not know to walk in it.

Foolishness is the opposite of wisdom. It is the fool that says in his heart that there is no God. But the wise are those who fear God. Anyone who claims to believe in God, but lives his life without the fear of God, cannot walk in the superior divine wisdom.

Go into today determining to be wiser by living your life with a renewed consciousness of God's presence around you. Ask the Lord to help you walk in His divine wisdom (see James 1:5).
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-Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Matthew 14-16

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017


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Psa 25:14 [TLB]
Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence him. With them alone he shares the secrets of his promises.

Chief Dayo was very sick and about to die. Many people had prayed for him and he was still going to die, but when Emeka showed up, it was clear that even though others could pray, he was highly esteemed in heaven and could intercede for a person who was originally meant to die as a result of God’s judgment. Very terrible things can be averted if the people of God walk in true reverence for the Lord.

Once, during Jesus’ days on earth, a woman came to him asking that her daughter might be healed. Jesus’ reply was "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs." (see Matt 15:26 NKJV)

You see, there are dimensions in God that are exclusively reserved for His sons and daughters. These, He will not give to non-children no matter what. There are general blessings: for instance, God says that He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. These are general blessings that everyone gets to receive from God, but not everyone can partake in the divine nature and sway these things.

Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence Him. God reveals His secret to those who fear Him and walk uprightly because they fear Him.

Do you reverence God? Then, it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Matt 13:11 NKJV.

Go into today knowing that as a son who reverences his father, you are privileged to know God’s secrete. If you have not enjoyed this right, ask God for it today.
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-Dr. James Emmanuel

YBP: Isaiah 29-33 (Audio in Devotional audio)

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Monday, February 13, 2017


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Psalms 17:13-14 (NKJV)
Arise, O Lord, Confront him, cast him down; Deliver my life from the wicked with Your sword,
With Your hand from men, O Lord, From men of the world who have their portion in this life...

We can see from the text above that the men of this world have their portion in this life.

One truth we must never forget as Christians is that our portion is not in this life, our inheritance is eternal and cannot be measured in space and time. The Lord is our portion. The frame of this present world cannot carry the weight of God’s glory that is in our inheritance.

Unlike unbelievers, when the Lord blesses us, we know that the material things we have are not an end in themselves. We honor and serve the Lord with money, we don't serve mammon. Christians should not derive satisfaction and completeness in material possessions, our sense of accomplishment and completeness should always come from God- we are complete in Him (see Col 2:10).

Go into today thanking the Lord because your portion is not limited to this life, you have an eternal inheritance. You are not limited by the forces of this realm because your portion is above this realm.

Confession: I have power over all the power of the enemy. I am not limited by the forces of the world because the Lord is my portion.
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- Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Job 11-12
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Sunday, February 12, 2017


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Hebrews 3:6 (NET)
But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. We are of his house, if in fact we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope we take pride in.

When Jide accepted Christ and became a Christian, because of the sound teachings he was exposed to through the books he read, he had great confidence in the Lord and in the word of God. Some of the older Christians in Jide's church were complaining that ‘Jide is too confident’,  but Jide insisted that he was only standing on God's word. That was why he had more results than them in ministry. The first time they went for evangelism together,  Jide prayed for a very sick man,  and he prayed with confidence that the man was going to instantly recover, and that was what happened.

Because we have received the [Holy] Spirit of sonship,  every normal Christian should have the confidence that whenever he asks anything according to God's will, God hears him(see 1 John 5:14). We know God's will through the written word. For example,  it is the will of God for you not to be sick (see 1 Pet 2:24),  it is the will of God for you not to be in poverty(1 Cor 8:9). But it is not the will of God for you to marry an unbeliever, no matter how nice the person may be (see 1 Cor 6:14).

Go into today remembering that one very important attribute every Christian must have is confidence. We appropriate our power as members of God's household when we are confident.

Christians who have lost their confidence shrink in fear and can suffer the fate of mere men. What many Christians need is more confidence and boldness, not necessarily more faith.  For “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20 (NET)

Ask the Lord to fill your heart with confidence.
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- Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Psalms 15-17
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Saturday, February 11, 2017


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Job 26:4 [NET]
To whom did you utter these words? And whose spirit has come forth from your mouth?

Words and spirit are as inseparable as speech and breath, just as it is impossible to talk without releasing air from your mouth. The beginning as recorded in Genesis started with the partnership of Spirit and word.

The quality of life we live on earth is dependent on the quality of [physical or spiritual] food we take; it is upon this reality that the LORD allowed the Israelites pass through physical hardship and hunger on their journey through the wilderness. They came to understand that man does not live by bread alone but by every word from the mouth of the Lord (see Duet 8:3).

Word is to the spirit, what bread is to the body. Jesus says ‘the words that I speak to you are spirit and life’ (see John 6:63). In words, there is life and good, or death and evil. [Deut. 30:14-15, Proverb 18:21]


James 3:2 says(BBE) For we all go wrong in a number of things. If a man never makes a slip in his talk, then he is a complete man and able to keep all his body in control.

Go into today knowing that your mouth is a seat of authority, and the words you speak come with spirit.
Speak and pray the word of God over your life today and the Holy Spirit will bring you and your world the performance of the word of Life that you have spoken.
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- Titus Ojima A.

YBP: Judges 1-6 (Audio Bible in Devotional Audio)
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Friday, February 10, 2017


Rom 8:15 [ASV]
15 For ye received not the spirit of bondage again unto fear; but ye received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

I'd like to start today's meditation with a question: who is God to you?

After believing, a proper understanding of who God is to us is very important, because this is the very foundation upon which our sonship stands.

Many Christians have a distorted image of God, an image that is a far cry from who He truly is to them.
I have come to realize that no other image best depicts God to Christians than as Our Loving Father.

If your relationship with God is filled with struggles, and is motivated by a fear of going to hell, you need to change the basis from which you operate. God wants us to see love each time we think about Him.  He saved us because He loves us, and He hasn't changed His mind. He loved us while we were yet sinners, how about now? So don't try to please God so He will accept you but please Him because He has accepted you (see Rom 5:8).

Go into today remembering that you are loved by the most High, and He is your heavenly father.

Prayer: Thank you father because I know you love me. Thank you Dear Father, In Jesus name. Amen
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-Uduaghan Utieyin

YBP: Genesis 20-23

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Thursday, February 9, 2017


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Matt 13:22[NET]
22 The seed sown among thorns is the person who hears the word, but worldly cares and the seductiveness of wealth choke the word, so it produces nothing. 

Pious fell away from the faith because he got to the university and started mingling with friends who didn’t fear God or care about God, but these friends were successful and wealthy. For the first time in his life, Pious was exposed to great wealth and success like he had never seen. Because of this, he no longer saw the need for God in his life. He now had all he wanted God to give him.

You see, if your understanding of the gospel is not complete, strange things can happen. We see in Mat 13:23 that those who don’t fall away but become fruitful are those who receive the word and understand it. If you only understand the grace of Christ as that which makes you successful in this world, you have not fully understood the grace of Christ, and the seductiveness of earthly wealth can sway you.

Christ’s grace can make a person successful, it gives good success. But it does far more than that. Christ’s grace saves us from the power of Satan. Christ’s grace gives us eternal life, and true riches that are eternally relevant. Believers in Christ will inherit the whole universe as joint heirs with Christ. The redemption of our bodies will reveal our true nature as sons of God; we will walk in power and glory that the human mind cannot fully fathom right now.

Go into today remembering that the gospel is the answer to all human problems. It is the power of God.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to make you a true agent of the gospel.
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-Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Romans 11-12
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Wednesday, February 8, 2017


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Gen 4:16-17 [NKJV]
16. Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. 17 And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son — Enoch.

Pious was twelve when he accepted Christ. Even at this age, he enjoyed fellowship with God so much that his life was led by the Spirit.
When he got to the university, he made friends who don’t care about God. He gradually lost his consecration and eventually fell to peer pressure. Even at this, things went well for him. And when brethren visited and advised him to return to God, he’ll simply mutter “what do I need God for? I am just okay”.

Pious eventually became so hardened that he was made the leader of a cult group on campus. He became very famous and got whatever he wanted on campus. He died in a shoot-out between two cult groups after his graduation.

Many have backslidden; done all kinds of evil to get money and are now very rich. Just like Cain, who left the presence of God and built himself a city, many have left the presence of God and yet grew very famous, wealthy and renowned. But their end is destruction (see Ps 73:16-18). The end of the godly is peace (see Ps 37:39). Note that the end of a man is not physical death.

Go into today knowing that true prosperity cannot be gotten outside God’s presence. Ask the Lord to show you the path of life. For in God’s presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalms 16:11
-Dr. James Emmanuel

YBP: Matt 11-13

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017


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Col 3:16 [NET]
6 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and exhorting one another with all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, all with grace in your hearts to God.

Ola had once come out for an alter call when he was a teenager. He accepted Christ as his Lord and savior that day, but he fell back into his old life when he resumed school weeks later.

There were times he would try to be holy, but this usually didn't last long. The longest period of sanctification he ever experienced was four weeks. But after those four weeks, he fell back into a life of sin.

Ola got a breakthrough in his spiritual life when he attended a conference filled with great teaching sessions. There, he was taught that Christianity is a relationship. He was introduced to the Holy Spirit and was baptized with the evidence of speaking in tongues. He learned that if he wanted to grow spiritually he would have to give more time to the word of God and to prayers.

He deleted all the worldly music on his phone and filled it with sermons that he started listening to. He also started making new friends because all his old friends were unbelievers.

The Lord became real to Ola. What he now had was a relationship and not merely religion. For the first time in his life, Ola now knew he was in Christ and he was no more afraid of the future or the unknown.

Go into today remembering that the secret to consistent spiritual growth is consistent feeding on God's word. Ask the Lord to help you give more time to the word and prayer.
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-Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Isaiah 23-28
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Monday, February 6, 2017


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2 Peter 1:3 [NET]
3 I can pray this because his divine power has bestowed on us everything necessary for life and godliness through the rich knowledge of the one who called us by his own glory and excellence.

Ronke noticed that the more she knew the Lord more the more she grew in grace and power. When she first became a Christian, she found it very difficult to stop telling lies, but as she grew in the knowledge of God, she noticed that the weakness that made her lie faded away. She also noticed that she now had faith to claim the promises of God in the Bible. Before, she would quote them, but not believe they would really apply to her.

Ronke also observed that as she prayed, she received answers very fast. Even financial doors started opening for her in every direction.

Her knowledge of God started to grow when she started reading some faith building books and started becoming more conscious of the Holy Spirit.

God in His infinite love has freely made available to us all the things we need for life and godliness. Every single thing you would need to live a fulfilled, comfortable, peaceful, prosperous and godly life has been provided by God. We access these things in God as we grow in our knowledge of Him. This knowledge multiplies grace and stature.

Go into today remembering that as you grow in the knowledge of God, you grow in the ability to receive the things of God and excel in every good work.

Ask the Lord to help you know Him more and more from today. Remember that one way to know a person better is by talking regularly with the person. That is what we do when we pray.
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-Pst SD Abraham

YBP: Job 9-10
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Do not walk in the flesh 4

Broadcast 4265 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): https://streamglobe.org/aud4265 Romans 8:3-4 (NET) "For God achieve...