๐ HEALING PRAYER IN TODAY'S AUDIO☞ http://bit.ly/audio1201
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
Daniel was very sick and could not get up from the bed. His brethren from fellowship came visiting, and as expected, they would pray before leaving.
Felix came visiting and prayed for Daniel, but something was different about his prayer. While others would pray for Daniel and then admonish him to continue taking his drugs (as if they really believed in the drugs more), Felix prayed for Daniel and had no doubt that Daniel was going to get healed because of the prayer. As far as he was concerned, Daniel was already healed in Christ, he was only coming to claim what was rightfully theirs.
Daniel's recovery started from the moment Felix prayed the prayer of faith. It happened that Daniel was misdiagnosed and was never going to get better on the drugs he was taking.
When you pray the prayer of faith, you absolutely believe that you have received what you’ve prayed about. The prayer of faith is not guesswork, it is not trial prayer. It is assurance prayer.
In praying this way, you first establish that it is the will of God for you to receive what you are asking for, and then you pray knowing that you have received it. One sure way to know God's will is through His word. If the word says you have it, it is yours.
For example, Felix knew Daniel would be healed because it is clear from scripture that God's wants us healed. Jesus bore our infirmity in his body, and by His stripes, we (His church) were healed (see 1 Pet 2:24).
Go into today remembering that the foundation of the prayer of faith is God's living word.
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-Pst SD Abraham
Yearly Bible Plan: Genesis 32-35
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