Thursday, April 13, 2017


🎧Audio version with Bible here☞
Healing prayer for the sick in today's audio

1 Timothy 2:4 (NET)
… [God] wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Emeka had prayed for the salvation of his brothers for years, but it appeared that things were getting worse and not better.

A time came that he started to entertain the false thought that maybe his brothers were not saved because they were never selected by God for salvation. This thought in his heart weakened his faith and made his prayer for his brothers less powerful.

When he knew that it was God's will for them to be saved, his supplications for them became more powerful and regular, and he started seeing the result. All his brothers eventually became saved.

I have come to learn that the most powerful kind of prayer regarding the salvation of others is the prayer of supplication. Another word for supplication is begging. When it comes to the will and choice of other people, your declarations and demands may not be very effective, but your plea before the throne of God for them is very effective. Only God has the authority to influence the will of people, and we have to make sufficient supplications before His throne to make this happen. If we begin to entertain the false thought that maybe God has not selected a person to be saved, it weakens our faith in prayer for that person’s salvation.

Go into today knowing that one of the reasons God placed you in your family is because He wants you to pray and generate sufficient spiritual license for Him to invade the other members of your family with His salvation.

Prayer: Lord, please help me do my part in facilitating the salvation of my loved ones. Amen.
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 -Pst SD Abraham

Yearly Bible Plan: I Corinthians 13-14

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