Sunday, April 9, 2017

Neither cold nor hot

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Revelation 3:15-16 (NET)
15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot! 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth!

When Remi and Uche got married, they were both born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. They both wanted to live their lives to please God and to be His light in their generation. But as times passed, they seemed to be sucked into the system of the world. They started trying to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ and became more and more worldly. They became lukewarm and no more fervent in their love for the Lord. They had now lost the deep seated joy of the Holy Spirit in their hearts and unconsciously tried to replace this joy with the temporary happiness that comes with acquiring worldly possessions.

Notice that when a person becomes lukewarm, it is because he was once hot. How a person stays lukewarm for so long is a mystery. The normal way things should be is that when a person is no more spiritually hot, he becomes lukewarm and then becomes cold, but there are many Christians today who have stayed lukewarm for a long time. This is because they haven’t quite disconnected from the fire of the Holy Spirit, but they are no more fully given to God’s will and kingdom. They now live for the kingdom of God, and for the world.

Go into today remembering that a lukewarm Christian is not a fruitful Christian. A lukewarm Christian is a liability to the kingdom of God because even though he is supposed to be a witness for Christ, God cannot count on him because his loyalty is now divided.

Prayer: Lord, rekindle your fire in my heart today. Amen.
 -Pst SD Abraham

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 39-41

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