Sunday, May 14, 2017


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Hebrews 1:14 (KJV)
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

A Christian brother had sought employment for a long period of time after graduation from the university. Things looked hopeless until a word came from God instructing him to wake up at a particular time, go to a particular job site and apply for a particular job opening. He got a response before morning and eventually got the job. A striking thing of note according to the brother was that the interviewer during the interview kept telling him that he knows him and that he had seen his face before but couldn't place where. Later the brother realized that he had gotten a miracle from God via angelic ministry.

Friend, we have a great advantage, but many times we have failed to utilize it and have lost out to people of the world on many things. God gave you a ‘Stunt Double’ (so to say) at your New Birth (see Psa 91:11). Skeptics may call it coincidence, déjà vu etc. But in truth, you are entitled to the ministerial work of angels and you should demand it. I believe that not only do we have angels attached personally to us but they even can take semblance to us, in order to go ahead of us in fulfilling God's will for our lives (Acts 12:15)

Strengthen your resolve now by requesting for angelic help concerning that debilitating issue (Psa 103:20; 2 Kgs 6:16-20). It's part of our salvation package.

Study the Word and ask God today to open your eyes to all that is obtainable from their ministry so that you can walk in victory. It starts with you knowing Christ, as only those belonging to Him can enjoy such ministry.
-Chibo E. C

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