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Psalm 31:4 (ESV)You take me out of the net they have hidden for me, for you are my refuge.
When Lucky moved to the city, he had to live with his uncle for a while. But he could not put up with his uncle’s domineering behavior. This made him leave his uncle’s house in anger one evening and vowed never to return. He was so angry with his uncle that he found it very hard to forgive him.
He did not realize that these events were orchestrated by the kingdom of darkness to weaken him spiritually. But as Lucky began to pray one evening, the Holy Spirit made him see that his anger was a trap the enemy wanted to exploit. He repented and came out of it.
One of the biggest snares of the enemies is offense and unforgiveness. This is how believers give the devil a room and a foothold (see Eph 4:26-27). Anger and hatred in the heart of a believer defile his spirit and hinders him from fellowship with the Lord. If he continues in this for long, he will be open to other manipulations of the enemy and may even begin to hate his fellow brother or sister. By the time a Christian begins to hate his fellow brother, he has started walking in spiritual darkness (see 1 John 2:11) and will become vulnerable to other evils of the dark.
It is only in Christ that we have sufficient grace to truly forgive those who have really hurt us.
Go into today knowing that the Lord will deliver you from every trap of the enemy as you dwell in His secret place and abide under His shadow (under His authority).
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you always be led by His Spirit.
-Pst. SD Abraham
Yearly Plan: II Samuel 15-19 (in audio devotional)
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