Wednesday, June 7, 2017


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Psalms 91:7 (NKJV)
A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.

Job 22:29 (KJV)
When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.

Faith: Good evening Sister Ebun

Ebun: Good evening ma

Faith: How have you been?

Ebun: Hmm, we are managing. The recession is killing us.
Christians do not speak like this.

I have found that many Christians quote Bible verses like the ones above, but do not really believe them. It is evident from the way they talk and from their actions.

Regardless of what is happening around you, you must never speak like the world. You must never have the victim's mentality. God has invested too much in you for you to think and speak that way. Remember that your faith and your words must agree (see 2 Cor 4:13).

One reason Jews around the world are known to be very successful is because they have a blessed man's mentality. They believe that they are more blessed than every Gentile around them, and this mentality affects the way they think, talk, and do business.

A Christian is more blessed than a Jew because what the Jews had is a shadow of what the Christian has (Heb 8:6, Col 2:17). A Jew who has not entered the new covenant is in an inferior covenant to what we have in Christ. But many Christians do not know and walk in this truth.

Go into today remembering that you are blessed (Eph 1:3). Determine to go around with a blessed man's mentality and know that you are more blessed than the unbeliever. When people are cast down, remember to proclaim concerning your life that 'there is a lifting up' and you will have what you say.

Prayer: Thank God for the superior blessings you have in Christ.
-Pst. SD Abraham

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Yearly Plan: Luke 7-8 (in Audio Devotional)
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Sent as a Savior, Sold as a Servant

Broadcast 4270 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): Psalm 105:17 (KJV) "He sent a man befor...